Saturday, December 2, 2023

Is It Really December? & a Catch Up

 As you know I have allot going on taking care of Larry since end of October here at home-but I am still surprised we have moved into December already.

Perhaps do to our warmer weather -which I am Not complaining about. No snow or ice makes life easier for me, especially getting up the steep steps and hill for my mail and packages-and I do love mail. 😀

A note to my slow mail friends-I so miss writing letters and receiving letters especially so much. Hoping soon I will be up to writing again. I am getting more sleep finally. If my slow mail friends are still wanting to write letters let me know in comments or email. I am thinking many of you have lost interest.

 There was at least 6 weeks that I was setting the alarm clock for every 4 hours for medicine for Larry.  Quick note-this is still a very long recovery, Larry has lost allot of upper body strength along with his better right leg-so he is working on that to hopefully be able to get out of bed and into the wheelchair which is very challenging for him. There are other health concerns as well that I pray will get better this month.

I order allot of foods and household needs online more than ever now since moving to the lake house. That was a concern when we moved this far away as there is no shopping close by, and the Wal Mart here is a small one not a super Wal Mart. Amazon recently changed their free shipping from $25.00 spent to $35.00 spent which is a big difference for me. So if I really need something to make up the difference I purchase decaf teas. Rather buy something than pay shipping costs.

My recent purchase was from the company Twining: a decaf all berry tea and another one honeybush mandarin orange. I am in love with the honeybush tea This one is so delicious

I don't see many Twining teas in the stores here They are based in London and have been in business for 300 years-and they still own the original store location. I will be buying more from them for sure especially knowing their history now. More information here  Those of you that live in Europe have you been to their store?

   I do still enjoy mailing out Christmas cards every year. I have done this since my college days-late '60s  This year I did not make my own cards but found beautiful cards on Etsy from a watercolor artist. I fell in love with her work. I really shortened my list this year too.

 I also love the US Post Office's new Christmas stamps for this year. My favorite is the snow globe stamps, but I bought the other ones too.

Photos from USPS online-I buy all my stamps at their online shop now-get the latest stamps that way

And I love these too

   For my baking this season, I decided to make half batches of our favorite cut out cookie recipes, the gingerbread recipe I shared in last post, and I was looking for a different peanut butter cookie recipe. I have the recipe I grew up with at home but I no longer love that cookie. Looking online I found one that looks really good and it is vegan and gluten free. find recipe here

  I am still enjoying football this season-Notre Dame was awesome they will be in one of the bowl games-need to find out when. The KC Chiefs will be playing the Green Bay Packers this Sunday. The Packers new quarterback is looking good. Green Bay has been my number one pro football team since I went to college back in 1967 in northern Wisconsin.  This should be a good and exciting game-will be neutral on this game-well mostly leaning towards Mahomes and KC

  I will be making us fajitas today and tomorrow I will roast a beef roast-using leftovers to make tamales-Larry's favorite  Allot of work for one person but worth it in the end.

    Have an awesome new week ahead


  1. Enjoy the season as best you can Kathy -Christine

  2. I do want to keep writing to you-I have been sort of out of it for quite a while, so my letter writing has been non-existent. I hope Larry will improve greatly. You enjoy your tea and please take some rest too.

    1. Me too Debra, there has been allot going on here too-so wasn't able to write like I love too-but I do enjoy our letter writing very much . hugs thanks I am enjoying the teas

  3. Goodness, we went off to college in the same year.
    Your baking inspires me to do more.
    Glad you are getting sleep.
    There is a filled cookie made with chestnuts that a coworker made many years ago. I think this season, I'll find a recipe for those. Ah, I found a gluten free Roasted Chestnut Cookie at

    1. oh that cookies sounds really good-will check it out. I went to college up at Stour State Univ. to be a dietician-I am not great at math and couldn't do the chemistry classes-there were several of those so I only went years.
      I am finally catching up on sleep and gaining back some of the weight I lost too

  4. It sounds like you are still straight out taking care of your husband Kathy. I'm glad your weather has stayed warmer though. It's warm here today but we could get a good snow dumping later tomorrow. Our weather just doesn't know what to do. I hope your December continues to stay warm and your husband makes some big health improvements too. Hugs-Erika

    1. oh my a big snow-the first snow is always so pretty. we are getting more rian right now-Yes Larry is doing better but still bedridden for now

  5. I have been very lazy but I promise I will get to it.
    I hope things start going well for both of you

    1. Hi Cathy no worries, this is a busy time of year for many of us too. I thought I would mentioned the slow mail since I haven't been able to keep up with right now and I really enjoy it

  6. I admire your getting so much done given your added caretaking responsibilities and all the wear and tear on YOU that comes with that. I like doing Christmas cards too (and have yet to start), baking (and have yet to start) and I really have to get the presents that need to be mailed up and out. Yes, December seemed to come far too fast (and then "losing" the TG holiday weekend due to Rick's mom's visits and kid time was tough on that score, though good in other ways.)

  7. End of October... sounds like yesterday, oh, Kathy, I´ve been there, too :-(
    But... all came out good and you will follow!
    The tea sounds yummy indeed, a British brand I haven´t sen here yet.
    Bet our tiny post office has no Christmas-stamps... Yours look beautiful (I have no printer, so...)
    I had the recipe here... Cheddar-cheese-cookies, but then.. if I bake I eat, kinda logical, huh? Am afraid I will not fit into the "travel-trousers"...
    Yes, footy is on - and I think I cannot get the channel :-(
    And fajitas... can I come over, pretty please???
    Have fun watching and eating! Big hugs to you and the lake

  8. Hi Kathy,

    It is alot for one person to carry the Christmas spirit for all.. I say that from experience and my hubby is not laid up .. he's just a Scrooge who tries to not be a Scrooge but ultimately is... lol OFCOURSE i still want to be a snail mail friend! I have a list of friends and family i write and faithfully go down that list.. sometimes my turnarounds can be kinda long and for that i apologize but please don't think i don't want to continue.. Hugs! deb PS .. I'am going to attempt to MAKE your card this year!! OOOooooo...

    1. Hugs my husband is Jewish so he "puts up" with my christmas spirit-he loves all the goodies I bake up though smiles. there are just a handful of my slow mail friends that I don't hear from very often-and I haven't been able to write either since Larry's accident so I thought I would just put it out there that could let me know if not interested in writing any more I did get the international christmas cards mailed out already, and yesterday just finished the rest of my cards-I still want to add the wax seals on the back and am waiting for new address labels--current's postage costs are too costly now to buy from them any more-sigh
      I look forward to your handmade card-hugs

  9. It is good news that Larry is making improvements which will, hopefully, continue. This has been a rough time for both of you. I definitely want to continue writing to you. I have kind of been out of sync lately because of our wild and wonky life (which I wouldn’t trade for any other. 🙃), and feel ashamed that I haven’t gotten anything in the mail to you for awhile. I so enjoyed this post, and always enjoy reading about your cooking adventures. Take care and many hugs! Mary @ Hilltop Post

    1. No worries Mary, I have not sent out any slow mail since the accident early October-hope to get that in January for sure. You are a busy ranch wife too-hugs

  10. Ordering online has really made our lives more manageable and such a time saver. I'm glad you have found ways to cope! Your challenges with Larry sound demanding. I pray for his speedy recovery. Baking cookies for the holidays is always fun. Enjoy!

    1. thank you so much since living more rural I do buy allot of things online-easier and less expensive too

  11. The important thing is being able to celebrate together. Looks like a wonderful family dinner.

    1. Yes I agree No way was I going to have him going to a nursing home/rehab place-he would have been so depressed and very unhappy there

  12. Hi Kathy, I do hope that Larry feels stronger soon, it must be so tough on him, and on you too. Sending hugs. Your cookies look delicious btw. ♥♥

    1. thank you Rain, he is feeling more like himself now, and does allot of exercises in bed everyday to help build strength-I know he is worried about falling
      I mixed up some gingerbread cut out cookies tonight

  13. Hoping therapy is going good for Larry. Love those snow globe stamps.I hope they have these I need to get my Christmas cards out. A already getting some in. Janice

    1. the therapy is helping him, and we love the nurse he has too. I buy my stamps online now as they always have lots to choose from on their site. I got two christmas cards today too-one from a friend in England. I have my usa cards ready to mail now-finished them up over the weekend. will mail out this week friday


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