Monday, November 27, 2023

Holiday Baking Plans?? Updated-New Tea Co

  Good Morning and it's Cyber Monday as well-if you shop online (which I do more of since moving more rural to the lake) We do not live close to any large stores except for a smaller Wal Mart-that's it.

 I finished up with the baking of the fruitcakes last week. I use a very old English version recipe which is a dark fruitcake with just enough cake batter to hold it all together. My gluten free version turned out really nice this year-I had also mixed in dried fruits with the glazed fruits. Mine needs to age in the back of the refrigerator, but the wheat flour version is stored in containers in buckets-wrapped with brandy soaked cheesecloth-in a cool place.  I got these cakes baked much later this year.

 I was brought up cooking and baking everything from scratch-and after all these years I still continue to do that. Probably about 10 years ago at least we stopped going out to eat in restaurants. With our health concerns-me gluten free, and Larry heart and diabetic food concerns, we just needed to stop dining out-too expensive for one, and those dining out foods most always are full of too much salt, sugar, and not healthy ingredients. Really don't miss eating out at all.

  Since retirement especially, I have baked up loads of cookies and other holiday treats and gifted most all of it to friends and neighbors.  Gave me an excuse to make candies and lots of Christmas treats, which I have always enjoyed doing.  This year I decided not to do much of that. I will gift our good neighbor- just down from us on the lake-with hand dipped chocolates and chocolate popcorn though. Mary Lovesssss anything chocolate. Mary and her husband are always there for us if we need help with anything.

  I always have enjoyed baking cut out cookies-as I have a huge cookie cutter collection, but I may not do that this year. Thinking of trying out a few new recipes this year for our holiday baking. 

   I ran into a recipe online from Williamsburg for large soft molasses cookies-those sound amazing as we both love gingerbread. recipe here and photo from site   

I also found a group on Facebook that shares mostly older holiday cookie recipes There I ran into someone looking for a 1960's pineapple cookie recipe. Curious I searched and found this one  We love pineapple so I may make those, read the whole article as she makes suggestions like using butter instead of shortening.       Growing up my Mom always baked with margarine-ugh-being raised on a farm I never understood that-she said butter was too expensive. When I was older and left home, I never bought margarine or used it again


Writing this post, yes I am thinking I will need to bake up a few cut out cookies-those are always fun for me to bake and make this time of year more festive.

  Will you be baking for the holidays? 

 I have always found baking and cooking rewarding and too fun as well.

Update: this time of year lately, I enjoy searching out new teas to try, or if one pops up in my feed somehow I check it out.  Harney & Sons has a lovely list of teas with pretty tins and not overly expensive-usually the tins are too expensive for me. They have a sale right now and free shipping with any size order. free shipping is a must for me.

  This is one I purchased-with white tea



  1. You sound ready for some baking time Kathy. I always end up baking about 10-15 different kinds, over the course of December. Not sure this year what will happen yet. Have fun. And margarine-yuk. Funny how times change. Does anyone still use it? hugs-Erika

    1. I always found baking fun too. Can't remember if it was the late 70's or 80's but advertisers were pushing margarine I only want real food to bake with like butter

  2. Is that a lemon zest glaze on those last cookies? Looks fabulous! NYTimes just had a link to 40 great cookie recipes and I might try a few new ones this year. Like you, I tend (try) to give most all of them away. It's safer that way and people love it!

    1. The glaze is a pineapple glaze they sound so good I want to bake up a batch. Yes I love cookies too so I eat too many, I don't have much freezer space right now either. will just bake a few-I want to bake those molasses cookies too

  3. I will be baking 2 English Christmas cakes, the dark fruit ones, yummy. One will be a present for a friend and one for my birthday. No cookies this year - I eat too man of them myself! I always use butter for cakes and cookies, which I melt first and pour it into the mix. I would love to see you baking, pity we don't live nearer. I hope Larry is feeling a bit better, and you are not too stressed. Hugs, Valerie

    1. Sounds like one of your Christmas cakes is similar to the one I make every year. I was thinking the same I eat too many cookies when I bake them-so will only make a couple batches this year.
      Larry is making small improvements but still stuck in bed sadly-hoping this week or next he will be stronger to get in and out of the wheel chair-that will be huge for him

  4. Been thinking about Larry-I read your reply to Valerie. I hope he does well when he's in the wheelchair, and that he can gain strength.
    I love to see and hear about what you're baking. I won't be doing much-we had Christmas early with our son and his wife-so by the time real Christmas is here-we will probably not have too many treats.

    1. Thank you Debra, I am hoping so too-he so needs to get out of that bed, I bought a special seat-chair-for the tub/shower that I hope he can use soon.
      How special you will have your son home-enjoy the time-hugs

  5. You made me want a fruit cake my very English Grand mother use to make it. But my family does not like it so I don't bother.
    I am baking for two cookie walks this weekend. And i bake for the highway depth here in town there are only 4 guys and they work long hours in the winter.

    1. I always loved to gift Christmas baked goods to those that really appreciate it and enjoy the foods. The fruitcakes get a bad rap but that's because store bought fruitcakes are Not the same at all. I aged them-best after 10 months but keeping the cheesecloth slightly moist year round will keep the fruitcakes well for a few years even. Larry's never last over a year though. mine gf was two years last month and still excellent
      Have fun baking!

  6. Replies
    1. Good morning, I thought both of these cookies sounded delicious

  7. Hi Kathy ☺ Holiday baking has started! I made cookies. I'm thinking of trying to go GF because I find I'm having trouble lately with flour. I just need to test out my digestion, not a great time of year to try as I LOVE to eat! We haven't gone out to restaurants in years as well. Even take out gets too cold once we reach home 45 minutes later lol...

    1. Hi Rain, if you can buy Bob's Redmill 1-1 gluten free flour-in my opinion it's the best out there-works well with any favorite recipe you have. restaurants for us are too over priced for the quality of food served and we never ate at those fast food places. Happy baking!!

    2. I have monthly shopping next week, so I'll buy some Bob's Redmill. Thanks Kathy ♥

  8. Same here, with Ingo being chronically sick and having to be very careful with food... near to never we eat out.
    I would love to make hearty cakes more, but atm... sooo much going on here - enjoy your baking! :-)
    Hugs to you and the lake!

  9. Kathy, I'm glad your husband is recovering. I wanted to know what is the recipe for fruit/bridal cake) that lasts for many months. Is it what we call "Welsh cake" around here? Unlike other cakes, the Welsh cake does not contain eggs or milk.

    1. this is a 1700's recipe or older that I found in a cookbook many years ago with old American recipes. this does have eggs. the process to store them for long periods of time is wrapping the cakes in cheesecloth soaked in brandy-squeezed out and I place them into plastic storage containers and then those in a large plastic bucket with a tight lid-store in a cool area of home
      It is a long recpe to type up will post soon

    2. this cake uses glazed fruits so there is allot of sugar in the recipe

  10. I do understand about eating out because you have no control over what you are eating and the salt, sugar, and fat content is usually not healthy. I used to always look forward to baking for the holidays and had quite a few favorite recipes that I made and shared with neighbors and family. Now that we are snowbirds in Florida, away from family and spending our days on the beach, I don't bake anymore.Too hot to keep the oven on here for long periods!!

  11. I'm late to the party Kathy... well really I've read your post earlier and just getting to leaving a note... I'm up early. We've been cleaning out our garage and selling what we don't want or need any longer on Facebook Marketplace and having pretty good luck.. This morning we are meeting a lady on her way to work . She is buying our moving blankets.. so good to have them gone.. Kept a few just incase we need one for something..
    I'm sure i will do some baking this year... and try to send most of it away.. lol Now that the Grandlittles are moving here i'm SURE there is baking in my future.. One Grandlittle is Gluten intolerant so i have to figure out a cookie she will love that is Gluten Free.. a new world for me...
    Your tea sounds lovely... I live in a very small tea .. I like black tea and chai teas ... Have you heard of Good Earth tea.. ? I like that too.. But nothing minty or fruity.. I'm a picky tea I drink most of my tea in the evening mostly in Winter.. Hope you are doing well! Hugs! deb

  12. It is admirable you do so much baking from scratch.
    Being an empty nester for so many years, I rarely bake cookes anymore. I did bake sugar cookies a few years ago though.

    1. I love to bake cookies, it's always just been the two of us-but I have always made most everything from scratch at home

  13. Hi Kathy, this is a lovely post and have opened both of the links you shared. Mr. M. and I don't eat out anymore either. In my town the eateries are just horrible and way expensive. I can prepare better and more healthy food right here at home. We don't celebrate Christmas, however, I do bake and share with my neighbors. I really enjoyed this post. Have a nice evening.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting Nicole. I am still taking care of my husband form his horrible fall of the stone wall early October-so I am not online much right now.
      I agree I can prepare better tasting and better quality food here at home. I always enjoyed gifting friends homemade goodies during this time of year

  14. When my kids were little I made tons of cookies for gifts....not so much anymore. Maybe when I retire will gat back into baking. Loved reading your post. Janice

    1. Thank you so much Janice-one does need the extra time for baking-you are pretty busy working right now hugs

  15. We don't eat out as much these days, preferring to eat at home.
    November seemed to whizz by and now here we are it's the 1st of December and its turned cold here in the UK with some areas having snow!

    Take care, sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. I think it is much nicer to cook and eat at home still warm here lots of rain yesterday take care thank you


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