Monday, December 25, 2023

T Stands for Tuesday-A Little Christmas

 Good Morning Friends and Happy T,

   Thought I would pop in to say hi and visit The T group, as we approach the end of 2023. This year has been an up and down interesting one for sure.

  I wanted to share two lovely handmade Christmas cards that I received. I really love these.

  This one is from Iris. She knows I love wolves so she painted this card for me. It is really amazing.

 I need to look for a little frame for this one. Thank you so much Iris.

  and surprise I received this gorgeous card from Deb, that I later learned was her prototype so of course I felt special. Thank you Deb

  This is such a pretty card I will display this one on the mantel again next Christmas

 I did not make my usual Christmas candies this year, and I only made just a few batches of cookies for the two of us. The chestnut cookies turned out really delicious  will make them again.

   I like to dip into dark chocolate-so I did a variety of soft candies, candy cane sticks, dried apricots, and glazed fruits. My friend that lives near us on the lake loves chocolate too-so I made a container for her and for us.

  One of our last years of deer camp at our woods home, I needed a large slow cooker as we were having extra people that year. I bought one at Sam's club and this little mini crockpot came in the box free. It is perfect for melting chocolate.

I did not make any chocolate barks this year-which are fun to do. Thinking February could be good time to make some.

I don't have a photo that I took myself, but this past week I have been drinking a very small glass of eggnog with liquor in it. I picked up a couple bottles of different brands that I had not tried before along with the Evan Williams brand which is my favorite.

  I found this photo online which is my beverage share for T

  The bottle on the left I tried first-that one had too much booze in it for me. The Evan Williams brand is really good, and I used to buy their peppermint eggnog but haven't seen that one again for years. These others I haven't seen in the stores near me. There really is a huge variety of these egg nogs during Christmas time in the liquor departments.

 If you make your own homemade eggnog-which I have not made in years-or if you buy a store brand from the dairy case and would like to add a bit of liquor to it-I found this post for 11 best spirits for your egg nogs. (photo below from this site)

Happy T and thank you Elizabeth for hosting Link for T Here


  1. I love eggnog but I am not a huge chocolate fan but you dipped things look very tasty.

    1. I never atemuch chocolate, but Mom didn't like it so we didn't have much rowing up as kids except for chocolate chip cookies. Larry introduced me to dark chcolates-huge difference and healthier too

  2. Dear Kathy, no... This wolf is too shy to be framed!
    Deb´s is a very cute Brother!!
    This is sweet-overload, LOL!
    I once had egg nog at the Christmas Market. By golly, my mouth glued! (Kidding). Had mulled wine this time. Glad Ingo was by my side. Too much booze!
    Hope you two have a good Christmas, I also wished for that, I hope Santa heard me. Hugs to you all (lake included)

    1. Your wolf will be happy in my craft room-just me yes he will enjoy being with Deb's card-smiles I think egg nog is an aquired taste-I used to make from scratch but that is allot of work for two people and I was concerned it would go bad too. I had mulled wine once didn't care for that at all
      Thank you Hope you and Ingo had a nice Christmas hugs

  3. Wow, you received some beautiful happy Christmas mail 😊. Those candy canes look delicious and that's a lot of eggnog. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness this Christmas time ❤️. Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thank you Jo, that was not all ,my eggnog haha that was a photo from online Happy T hugs

  4. Hi Kathy. I'm glad you joined us for T again. I will share that recipe for the fruitcake next T day (just so you know when to look for it.) You received some beautiful cards, and I love how Iris was inspired to try some are and can draw so well. That wolf is amazing. Have a wonderful holiday week and I hope the hubby makes some improvements. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you Erika, I think I would like your cake for me instead of the traditional I make for Larry. Iris's art continues to get better and better, I think she said once that she was inspired by Eileen The wolf is really amazing. Thank you I pray every day for Larry to heal and be able to walk again Hugs

  5. Your Christmas treats look delicious! I don't care for the eggnog/boiled custard holiday beverages, but my husband likes boiled custard. I hope you continue enjoying this Christmas season :) Happy T Tuesday

    1. I have always loved eggnog not sure why. I found a lite version in the dairy case at a local grocery store-liked that one better-good flavor and less calories. Happy T

  6. The candy looks wonderful and eggnog sounds so good. You are always making the best things. Have a nice day today.

  7. I'm so glad you liked your card Kathy!! I'm hoping to make more of those throughout the year and have them ready by next year.. Your Eggnog hopping reminded me a little of Goldilocks trying to find the right I'm the only one in the house that likes Eggnog.. I usually drink Gandy's brand which i think is just a local Dairy here.. And i do not like alcohol in it.. I have a hard time imagining dairy and alcohol going together ... I hope things are well for you and Larry today.. I don't know why it works out that every time you join T i do not... lol Hugs! deb

    1. I thought I would drop in since I think this is the last T for this year, and I wanted to share yours and Iris's cards for sure. I am thinking you are really busy with family moving back close
      It's a challenge for sure-we just take each day at a time all we can do. we did manage somehow to get Larry back into bed with the new mattress-took 3 days though. hugs from the lake

  8. Replies
    1. Me too and it's so fun to make too I may make some things for valentines day week

  9. Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year. All the best to you and Larry! Hugs!

  10. What wonderful Christmas cards. Hope you also had a wonderful Christmas. We had Tropical Margaritas on Christmas Eve. Janice

    1. margaritas are my favorite have not had one in a very long time now

  11. Chocolate for dipping and spiked eggnog. Sounds like you had a very festive Christmas. Happy T Day

  12. You can't get wrong with chocolate! I wish you and Larry a happy and healthy 2024 - Carola

  13. Lovely art from Iris and Deb! I love dried fruit dipped in chocolate - yours looks great along with the candy canes! I have never tried egg nog, I don't think we have it here. Happy T Day, hugs, Chrisx

    1. The candy canes were a first for me to dip in chocolate, I thought of pretzels too may do those next time. egg nog from scratch is a very old american colonial drink I think. well I had to research it-came from England Origins. While no one knows who invented eggnog, most historians and foodies generally agree eggnog originated in medieval Britain. The upper classes were the only ones to have access to the milk, sherry, and eggs required to make the first version of eggnog, so it began as an exclusive beverage.

  14. Those are some special Christmas cards, I would display them the following year as well!

  15. I don't do alcohol or dairy so no egg nog for me lol. Hope you had a lovely day. Merry Christmas and Happy T Day! Elle xx

  16. You have had one heck of a year -- at least recently -- and I send you belated Christmas greetings as I slowly find my way back to blogland!

  17. I was in the process of leaving Erika a comment when I head a loud BOOM and the room shook. Then I was in total darkness. It was an outage on my side of the street. The street light and houses/porch lights on the other side of the street were on. Since it was about midnight, I was hoping Sally was awake and would call the electric company, but that was obviously not the case. The first eight hours of darkness were tolerable enough, but after that, all I could do was dig out four warm blankets and add them to my bed. For nearly two days I was without electricity and heat. Even my hot water heater has an electric start. I had just enough hot water to make coffee, something I can't live without. When I woke yesterday, I saw the light on my electric clock was on, but it was still too cold to leave my bed. Just using the toilet was bone chilling. I have an appointment at 12:40 today, so this is a copy and paste message. I will be back after I shower and keep my appointment. Just wanted everyone to know your TSFT host has not forgotten you.

  18. I was in the process of leaving Erika a comment when I head a loud BOOM and the room shook. Then I was in total darkness. It was an outage on my side of the street. The street light and houses/porch lights on the other side of the street were on. Since it was about midnight, I was hoping Sally was awake and would call the electric company, but that was obviously not the case. The first eight hours of darkness were tolerable enough, but after that, all I could do was dig out four warm blankets and add them to my bed. For nearly two days I was without electricity and heat. Even my hot water heater has an electric start. I had just enough hot water to make coffee, something I can't live without. When I woke yesterday, I saw the light on my electric clock was on, but it was still too cold to leave my bed. Just using the toilet was bone chilling. I have an appointment at 12:40 today, so this is a copy and paste message. I will be back after I shower and keep my appointment. Just wanted everyone to know your TSFT host has not forgotten you.

  19. This comment begins with another copy and paste. The appointment I referred to in my last comment was for my eye doctor (ophthalmologist). I was sure I was going to learn if my retina was torn and if I needed an operation. Instead, I was taken to seven different rooms by seven little helpers and never once saw the doctor. Each "helper" gave me a different test. Each time they did, they put either one, two, or three different types of drops from different bottles in my eye. I got so tired of hearing the words "blink, blink, blink" after each drop was inserted.

    At the end of the day, I couldn't see a thing. I was given an eye patch to wear over my "good" eye. I must remove it when I shower and wash my face because it cannot get wet. It has put a strain on my "weak" eye and I can barely see anything. However, the little helpers don't believe I have a retinal tear because I apparently exhibit none of the symptoms which I won't go into, except I had a flash of light once. Since I can barely see, I will give a half-hearted attempt to leave you a decent comment.

    Your candies are making me hungry. I especially like the peppermint sticks and dark chocolate. I love, love, love eggnog, but didn't see any at Aldi this year. I made it once, but never again. Very time consuming. I have never added liquor to mine, though.

    Thanks for sharing your candy and eggnog with us for T last week, dear Kathy. And thank you again for thinking of me this Christmas.


I always enjoy your visits and reading your comments and I do reply back to your comments as well
Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit