Friday, September 1, 2023

Happy September

 I am happy to see August behind us this year, but this new month has more hot weather days in the forecast too. We have had a nice break though from those extreme high temperatures and high humidity

 I have done allot of cutting very tall grass with the weed eater this week, and I pulled allot of weeds in one area. We went to the woods house to work one day this week too. The grass is waist high there. Somehow I ended up with huge bug bites or welts from poison ivy possibly on the underneath side of my right arm-not sure what it is, as I have nothing on my hands. It showed up like large bug bites yesterday, today it is horrible with the constant burning. and Here I thought I made it through this summer with no poison ivy etc ugh.

  Were you able to view the huge blue harvest moon? It was soooo amazing here in the Ozarks-Missouri. As it peeked through the trees behind the lake as it was rising-it was huge, orange and spectacular. I did try to get a photo. I will post it here, but now I can't see what my photos look like any more as the little lap top quit working now-sigh  Let me know how the photos turned out-thanks

  For the last couple of weeks, we also have seen a very bright star low in the sky over the lake-it even has it's reflection in the lake too-so it's really bright. Anyone know what this could be? It is by itself.

I have been trying to think of dishes to cook for us that are not the same foods I am usually making.  I have gotten into a rut of making the same things. We no longer go out to eat any more do to our health concerns-it is pretty hard to get really gluten free foods at a regular restaurant especially.  So this week I bought gluten free lasagna noodles, fresh mozzarella cheese and ricotta cheese and made us a pan of lasagna-soooo delicious. I made garlic bread with gluten free bread I found in the freezer

   This past week, I packed up my spinning fibers. I need to concentrate on outdoor work, trips to the woods house, and I need a deep house cleaning before winter settles in.  I did grab a couple boxes of my colored pencils (not the watercolor ones) and a couple coloring books and started coloring pages while watching tv shows. These pages  make really nice slow mail letters to my friends.  I have missed not writing to my friends this summer so will start doing that in earnest soon. 

    Here in the States we will be celebrating Labor Day weekend. The boaters started coming in late today. This should be the last super busy weekend at the lake. I am happy about getting "our" lake back to just fisherman enjoying a peaceful lake.

  Happy September everyone



  1. Yes once Labor Day is over, the river wont be so packed here by us too. Hubby Bob always gets a rash when he pulls weeds in our yard. I did see the blue moon and it was awesome. Janice

    1. here school started mid august-that seems so early we always went back to school after labor day. for some reason I did not wear long sleeves and I always do that to help protect me. this must be poison ivy my arm is swelling up on me now ugh have a good weekend

  2. Glad you had a break from the heat sorry about your arm. You are busy as always. I haven't cooked much new I always feel like I am in a rut for dinners.
    It is very busy in our resort towns the last big weekend of summer

    1. Good morning, I am thinking any recreational area will be packed with people this long weekend. the lake was already loud and crazy here by 9 am today ugh

  3. Hi Kathy. Wow, you had a great moon view. Here it took forever to get up above the trees so it lost some of its drama. And I know what you mean about finding different things to eat to get out of a rut. I'm stuck in tired of summery foods but it's not quite cool enough for fall/winter foods. Hmmmm. We have a hot week ahead too, but that always happens with back to school. I remember it every year teaching; we would cool down and then bam, welcome summer when it was time to go back into the classroom. Hopefully you'll cool down soon and those spots are not poison ivy. Enjoy your weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. At our woods house we could never see the moon or the sun rise indoors as we were surrounded with large trees. so watching it rise above the lake was really cool to see. It was really huge. Tomorrow the high heat and humidity return here too but at least it shouldn't last for weeks on end.
      sigh this is some sort of poison-ivy sumac or oak. started taking an anhistamine, and using benydrul ointment the swelling went down a bit this morning but its back to burning and itching ugh there is too much traffic here to see about getting a steroid shot. happy long weekend

  4. I live a few meters from the Atlantic Ocean and the blue moon was beautiful reflected in the sea. The bright star that accompanied it was the planet Jupiter.

    1. Good mornng, that would have been awesome over the ocean! Thanks about Jupiter, I also read this morning it could be venus too

  5. Oh, sorry to say, but I would happliy trade weather with you. It´s cold!
    "Weed eater", what a cute name! Here it is "Rasenmäher", so not cute.
    Sorry about the bites - yikes.

    The moon looks great - sorry about your laptop! No idea about the star - bet tmy Dad would´ve had the answer, stars was one of his serious hobbies.
    With Ingo´s health we near to never eat out, either, and you know... I don´t miss it much!
    Next weekend likely will be tough. A little festival with food stands. I can eat what I want and always feel so guilty Ingo can not. It´s not fair (on him), so I skip most of it, too.
    Yours looks yummy!
    Oh. I skipped writing letters, too. Life just zipps by.
    Stay strong this weekend! I can imagine it must be a "pain" - hugs to you and the lake

  6. There you are!!! Just the last couple of days i've said to myself several times ' i need to sit down and write Kathy an email. I haven't heard from her in awhile either thru snail mail or a post on her blog' and every time i've forgotten to do.. So its good to hear from you.. You know maybe a biting bug or bee got stuck under your arm and let you have it! I've had something get stuck like in the waist band of my pants and it couldn't get out so it bit me several times.. uuughh.. Oh we are stuck in a rut eating too.. I make the same old things.. so i need to work on that too.. And we do eat out waaay too much.. The moon was beautiful wasn't it?! And you did get a great pic. I heard that Saturn was hanging around the moon when it rises ... maybe thats what your seeing?? Should be easy to Google though.. Hugs! deb

    1. I started writing slow mail letters this weekend, I miss that. this turned out to be poison ivy or oak, the grass and weeds were sooo tall at the woods house I think when I was collecting tansy flower-for my wools-there was probably poison ivy mixed in. ugh I can see where that could happen with bee stings.
      I made an apricot upside down cake yesterday-sooo good Larry loves apricots so used it for a surprise for him. I thought the planet may have been venus but now I think it is saturn-from different comments and what I found online. its amazing how bright it is and is close to the water too so low in the sky-gives a lovely reflection. enjoy your labor day weekend hugs

  7. Your photos are fine, love the moon over the lake! Sorry something bit or hurt you while you were gardening, that's not nice. Have a great, new week, hugs, Valerie

    1. thank you Valerie, this has turned into a poison ivy or oak rash ugh Happy new week to you as well hugs

  8. Wasn't that blue super moon fantastic? It looked right overhead when I was in my office. I was really impressed and loved seeing yours over the lake.

    Sorry to read about poison ivy or oak. I was bit by something (not a bee) under my arm in three places, then under my bra in the back. It was NOT a mosquito, because mosquito bites subside in no time. These bites lasted for days.

    We are still in extreme heat here, although it cooled for a couple of days to the mid 90s/ Temps on the rise here again. I hope that you get better temps there soon.

    Happy Labor Day weekend, dear Kathy and welcome to September.

    1. Yes the full moon was fabulous to see. couldn't get over how huge it was when it first appeared in the sky. we were in the super heat too all weekend but the boaters love it next week looks perfect in the 70's rest of this week at least out of the high 90's hoping you had a nice labor day weekend

  9. I am so, so sorry about your hands. That's awful and I hope they ease up very soon. Nothing wrong with your pix, especially the moon. Mine were terrible... they just look like a big white circle!

    1. thanks I am happy the photos turned out, I am probably going to need to get in for a steroid shot this week still burns and itches ugh have a good week

  10. Yum on the lasagna! We are the same - tired of our same old food we make and looking for some interesting and good new things. We rarely go out unless it is me going out for work or pizza for the grandkids because they are so picky. Lovely lake/moon pictures. Sorry about your arms - hopefully it heals soon. Giant hugz

  11. Sorry about the rash/bites.
    Jinxxxygirl and Bluebeard Elizabeth, I've had a similar bug bite festival stuck inside my clothes. Very unpleasant.
    Stinging nettles comes to mind. It is a burning stinging welts horror. Bare hands, I thought I was weeding mint. Not.

    I hope you are feeling better.

  12. Oh Kathy - your picture of the moon turned out quite lovely. Sounds like you and I may be in the same rut of cooking...we tend to go for the quick and easy things but in the fall it is fun to spend more time in the kitchen exploring recipes. Dick has been gluten free for years now but has found he is perhaps better because once and a while he can get away with a bit of gluten. He accidently had some non-gluten free chocolate chip cookies and did not have a bad reaction! Not sure people really get over being celiac but maybe once you have been faithful to that diet...the gut starts to heal enough to allow some gluten?? Hope you don't have poison ivy - sounds like it might be poison oak which is just as bad. I too am looking forward to finding some time for writing cards to my friends (you being one of those). Well have a lovely first week of Sept. - Yes it is hot here but hoping that the weekend brings more fall-like weather. In fact it was so hot in our area...some schools closed because of the heat index! Hugs!

  13. Goodness! So sorry to read about the nasty rash and bites, do hope they clear up soon for you.
    That is a lovely photograph of the moon.

    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan


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