Good morning friends,
Just a note I took down my last post discussing censorship. I appreciate everyone's comments very much. It was good to discuss and not accuse and most of us did that-so thank you all.
Due to the massive censorship by big tech-including Google, I took down the post as a precaution so none of us would face any possible discrimination by them or feel concerned about expressing ourselves.
Tuesday's brings us to T with our hostess Bleubeard and Elizabeth, find link in my sidebar. Any one is welcome to join just share a drink related photo in your post.
I did get the quilt pattern book in my mailbox Saturday. I was so happy I did the splurge and bought this-I feel it was worth the money. There were stories of pioneer women that I hadn't read about before, all the patterns for the appliques are at full size-loved that, and there are several more quilt patterns included besides the featured quilt. One being a fish quilt-I think I need to make that one for sure 😀

I am thinking I want to make this a wool quilt. I still have Lots of felted down recycled wool clothing in my stash. Just need to go through it and see what colors and patterns I have. Especially for the appliques in wool as it will be easier and more fun for me to stitch instead of the needle turn with cotton-that's a bit more challenging for me. So using wool appliques I will need heavier flannels for the blocks,which I would need to buy or I could make the blocks with wool as well and I should have plenty for that as well. I could sew the blocks together crazy quilt method or with seams-will decide when I get into it. Before I get into this quilt-gathering the wools, I need to get my big woodland quilt layered with backing and batting, basted and ready to hand quilt. I am going to order perle cotton #8 and quilt with big stitches.
I started doing that over the weekend, then I decided the backing-which is all one piece-needed to be washed, and then laying out the wool batting ugh it's been in the bag tightly rolled up and needs time to get flat. I did read that I can mist it lightly with water and then fluff in the dryer with no heat or a low setting. So will work on that this week.
This latest quilt adventure actually started when I was looking for this book, that was written in 1947 as part of a trilogy. Hoping this book comes in today Most of you know I love the time period era of the late 1700's to the mid 1800's and would gladly time travel back if possible
I didn't get any photos but one morning I got to view eagles-lots of them very exciting. I was looking out to see if the eagle pair was there and I got to see them circle and land together on the same branch. That was awesome-but then looking up I noticed several large birds flying around overhead-no not crows but at least 6 eagles--that made my day very exciting!!
Most days here are still very cold and dreary, but we did get a few hours of sunshine on Sunday
I made me a cup of green tea a few afternoons last week.
and I made us a pot of homemade chicken soup one day. I used organic chicken bone broth, added lots of herbs and spices for soups, threw in handfuls of dehydrated soup mix veggies, jar of my home canned tomatoes, frozen mixed veggies, Bob's Red Mill flaked potatoes-to thicken, and a large can of white meat chicken just before serving-yum
( just noticed my handle on the pan looks awful-these are revere ware copper bottom pans made in the usa that are at least 50 years or older now and the handles have seen their prime-they don't scrub up to black any more.)
The Canada geese have been "hanging" around on the lawn in front of the lake. One morning a crane (oops per David thank you blue heron) was sitting on the edge amongst them. I decided to carefully and quietly open the door to the deck and take photos. It was going pretty well til the crane saw me sqwaked loudly and flew off. Half the geese jumped in the lake and the others just looked around-what's going on haha
Happy T everyone