Friday, March 29, 2019

Surprise Box from Greece in the Mail this Morning

  Mia had contacted me awhile back if she could send me a little gift in the mail-and it arrived today. Thank you soooo much Mia  You are such a loving person, as I know I am not the only one to receive surprises in the mail from Greece-hugs and kisses for Mia.

   With Husband's health concerns-he needs more tests-the cooler weather turning to winter weather over the weekend-ugh--I am a bit down with everything, and of course allergy season has hit me already as well-So this package came at the perfect time when I really needed something happy and some smiles.

 Mia totally outdid herself-I can't believe all the very cool things she sent me, little charms etc for my fabric journals, fabric pieces, rice paper napkin, and more and of course stamps to save as well-fun

all photos will enlarge-just click on them-


Beautiful handmade card-love it

Looking into the box full of surprises

Lots of charms etc for my fabric journal, a little fabric sewing kit, and in the little mesh bag a heart necklace and ring-wow

Lots of very cool different fabrics-love those paw prints and black kitty

This is totally new for me-rice paper napkins-this is the top of above package
  I have been wanting to play around with paints etc-any tips on what best medium for this rice paper? thanks

I did not open that package beneath the tea and treats-but I think more rice paper or tissue papers

and this is really cool-two different pieces of leaves sandwiched in between papers-perhaps tissue or rice papers?

Thank you sooooo much Mia


  1. Glad you got this parcel to cheer you up just now, Mia is really a big-hearted sweetie! Enjoy your gifts! Look after yourself Kathy! Hugs, Valerie

  2. I am so glad that you received my little gifts to you, Kathy. Enjoy, sweetie. I picked up everything especially for you. The sewing kit, the heart necklace are the ring are handmade by me. I just wanted to make you smile and I am glad I did it. Take care, my dear friend. Big big hugs!!!

  3. Such lovely things and perfect timing to cheer you. I especially love the black cats. Take care.

  4. How wonderful! A touch of joy just when needed. I love the fabrics and rice paper especially.

  5. Mia sure did outdo herself. What a nice thing! Even better with your hubby's health a concern and allergies (I know about them) acting up. Happy Saturday kathy. Hugs-Erika

  6. WONDEFUL! Mia is such an angel!

    Happy weekend dear Kathy!

  7. What a thoughtful gift :) I hope y'all get good news from the upcoming tests.

  8. Lovely collection of gifts! Sending you a big hug ♥

  9. boy that looks like a lot of fun to go through. Have a great time. Hope Larry gets better soon.

  10. I hope your husband gets better soon. I know how stressful that can be.

    Mia is a DOLL. I think she is the BEST. She knows the exact things to send each person. I KNOW, because I was a three time recipient. You got some wonderful goodies, dear.

    I did an internet search for painting rice paper because I've never seen it, much less touched it. Seems watercolors are best, as is ink. I don't have the skills needed to create anything, even simple things like hearts. Good luck. I suggest you try an internet search, too. Maybe you will find something I didn't.

    Hope your weekend is going well.

  11. Wow, what gorgeous happy mail! You received so many beautiful gifts, so kind 😁. All the different embellishments that you can use on your fabric pages are amazing, I can't wait to see how you use them! Happy weekend! J 😊 x


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