Saturday, October 21, 2023

Summer in Autumn & Update

   Here in the Ozarks we will be in the 80's F today and close to that for several days. I have so much outdoor work to be done-but thinking it just won't happen.

   I have made progress with the rocks-I am digging through an area of soil that has lots of rocks different sizes-still more to be done. Not thinking I will be able to get to the perennial gardens-but will see.  I must not stress over these projects-as my priority is taking care of Larry.

  Even though as a patient he was not ready to come home physically, mentally he needed to be home-where he would feel safe,  be able to sleep and get healthy foods. We will have an in home health service coming in next week-Monday a nurse, then set up visits for physical and occupational therapy.  Although Larry is in so much pain he can barely move at all, from the fall he has allot of deep bruising as well as the healing for his broken leg. So I really don't know what therapy they can do right now-that was the issue at the hosp they were hurting him-I think they started this too soon.

  Larry has been in hospitals numerous times with his heart especially during our 40 plus years of being together (close to 45) and this is by far the worse hospital stay ever-I won't even go into it.  When the ambulance brought him home again they needed to get him down the steep hill and steps-one asked me are you sure about this? Yes! and No he will Not go into a nursing home which would be similar conditions as the hospital, I  told him about some of what went on and he says with a sigh-sadly this is our new health care system now, he had similar happen when his father was in a  hosp recently. 

  We now live in a country and world I don't even recognize any more--enough of  that.

  I am reading some of my friend's posts but not as many as I normally would.

I did bake banana bread yesterday-turned out delicious.

 Hoping your area is colorful with the fall leaves and warm as well. Have a good weekend



  1. All the best for Larry's healing at home. It has to make a difference

  2. The priority is to take care of Larry.Do the yard work only to distract yourself. Around here they think that in the US everything is going 10 but it seems that we are wrong.

    1. Yes Larry is priority the rocks in the prime project to finish before too cold

  3. So Sorry that Larry is in so much pain, and that the care is not really enough. It seems to be much better here, I got very good treatment and have a home help once a week to assist me with whatever I need. I hope and pray that Larry will make good progress. And please don't do too much, you need to stay strong now. Gardening can wait. Hugs, Valerie

    1. This was such a bad break the surgeon told me when he came to talk to me after surgery that was a bad one. my gardens will probably have to wait til early spring-not a priority at this point

  4. I know Larry is so happy to be home. Hopefully, he will continue to improve under your loving care and with some home health therapy. Take care of yourself. The growing season is almost over so outdoor work can wait. Best wishes for you both! Hugs! Hilltop Post

    1. Yes I know he feels safer at home, but the pain level is very extreme-
      I wanted to get things cut down etc but I guess it all can wait til spring we have 3 days of nice weather and then looks like cold and lots of rain coming int-how are those calves doing?

  5. Hopefully t home now Larry will heal faster. I know I would rather be at home than any hospital. Banana bread. YUM I made brownies and they are already gone. Janice

  6. I'm so sorry for your husband's pain. That is not good. MY son recently broke his humus bone and he coped with the pain without any medication - it got real bad and then, one day either he got used to it or it started to ease off but he's mightly pleased that he didn't have to take any pain medication. Although he did take a few swigs of whiskey! He's now back to work - he was off for over 3 months.

    I too, don't recognize my country anymore and I don't like what I see and hear.

    Hang in there - you are not alone.

    1. thank you Larry does not do pain medicine either-but this has been extreme pain since he came home-he can barely move to do anything-and in the packet they sent home no phone number given at all to ask questions or be assured. My husband is a very ill man 78 years old now, he has had severe arthritis since a child so has lived with pain all his life---this was a really bad break one area of bone is totally crushed so he cant put weight on it for at lest 3 months--nothing I can do to talk with anyone til monday
      It is much better if one can not use pain killers Larry has been able to do that in the past this is much more severe this time
      glad your son was able to get through without it and is back to work-

  7. This sounds like you are entering a particularly challenging time. I'm glad you have available home health care and that he can be in a safe environment. I know he'll eat much better at home. Hang in there, Kathy!

  8. Ever since all health services went for profit, it is such a mess and hassle. They say you can shop around to keep your costs down, but that is more of a pain. Add that to all the employment shortages, it's a mess. It used to be so much easier, I agree. Hopefully Larry will be able to get good start on his therapy. It is probably better they see him early so they can follow him through his healing. I would think at least. I hope it starts off well. hugs-Erika

  9. I ´m so sorry to hear about your husband pain Kathy, and I´m sure hi will be much better with you at home, this is the best place to recover. Please, don´t work very much at the garden, you know you may be very strong now, it´s very hard yes,, so please take care of yourself. I hope the therapy will be good.
    Have a nice day, and courage, big hugs

    1. Thank you Caty-this will be a rough one for Larry to pull through
      Yes courage is essential rght now-hugs

  10. Kathy i'am so glad to read that hubby is home with you. I hope you are managing well . I can't imagine all that went on at the hospital... Knock on wood Alvin so far has had excellent care . Definitely a few things i could steam about but all in all they took good care of him.. Let me know how you are doing! I've been sick for a couple weeks now.. congestion.. man I just now feel like i might be turning a corner for the good.. Don't know what i had but that was rough.. Hugs! deb

    1. I have asthma and all the wind with the falling leaves etc really gets to me, similar as in the spring. Hoping you are on the mends-hugs This was a horrible hosp isit for sure-hoping they didn't hurt his legs as they did to rough a rehab when in hosp as well. take care hugs

  11. So incredibly sorry to read Larry is still in such intense pain. I can empathize. My body has virtually shut down. I know him being home will help and he will get the best meals, which is what he definitely needs. You must stay strong, too and take care of YOU because you are the one who is caring for both you I'm glad you have a home help therapist. I'm sure that will help in the long run.

    Happy Birthday tomorrow, dear.

    1. Hi Elizabeth, thank you for the birthday wishes I almost forgot about it til I received a bday card in the mail from a dear friend today. and Iris also sent me a card
      We felt more hopeful after seeing the in home nurse today. she understood we need to get Larry's pain managed first as well.
      So sorry about your health-take care of You too hugs

  12. Welcome Home Larry! Y'all must be thrilled, despite the pain issue.

    1. Thank you, he is catching up on sleep and better food the in home nurse came today, we felt so much better after her visit-more confident he will get better rehab and better pain management

  13. It´s not only your country with the health care system (not that this info really helps you...). It´s sad. Hope Larry catches on "soon"/is in less pain!
    Here the leaves are still green btw!
    Hugs to you and the lake and all the best to Larry!

  14. Replies
    1. I appreciate that not much of a birthday this year but that's ok--hosp messed up Larry's pain meds-so he back to severe pain ugh called family doctor to fix it

  15. So pleased to hear that Larry is home so you can look after him! Hospitals are such an ordeal these days. I hope he is feeling much better soon and the pain is manageable for him. Wishing him a speedy recovery 😌. Take care both of you and sending hugs, Jo x ❤️

  16. So wonderful that Larry is back home. I'm sure it will be challenging . It's sad that being in a hospital or rehab or nursing home is such a terrible experience. Wishing Larry a speedy recovery and lots of strength to you!

    1. thank you Our health system has really deteriated I am finding more things the hosp did not do right-so glad we got Larry home-yes a huge challenge, praying with the in home health he can recover-it will be up to 6 month

  17. Just so pleased that Larry is home.
    Sending my good wishes to your both.

    All the best Jan

  18. PS Belated happy birthday wishes :)

    All the best Jan


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