Sunday, February 6, 2022

T Stands for Tuesday-Winter Storm

   Good morning, and Happy T hosted by Bleubeard and Elizabeth. You are most welcome to join in just share a drink related photo-link in my sidebar.

   I didn't think to take many photos last week of our winter storm. It was a doozy-the first night rain then got cold and turned to ice and then lots of snow on top. The worse was this snow was very very heavy and thick ice underneath. Strong winds had us drifted in most of the week. I had to remind myself-no I am not still living on the Illinois-Wisconsin border 😊.

  The temperatures stayed in the low single digits for several days. Our road was not plowed til Friday morning early-and then he left high piles in front of our driveways-what was he thinking?   We were snowed in anyways with the drifting around the cars, but still.

  Friday and Saturday I worked on getting a path shoveled out-except for the hard ice-so the delivery people could see that I did try so they could get our packages in-and they did-I thanked them very  much. I had sprinkled on allot of salt deicer which helped them get down the hill.

  The real warm up began late afternoon Saturday and into Sunday, hitting 40 f degrees-a heat wave for sure,  actually when it hit 20 f that really felt like a heat wave.

  We have continued to feed the birds (and the squirrels) on the deck. They are up close and personal and fun for us to watch. We saw our first cardinal over the weekend.

Photo of the drifted in steps, and photo after I mostly cleared them-up on the top steps we had 4 feet of drifting snow so it was a chore to just get the steps cleared-This photo looks just past the door at the lower steps-our door was drifted shut-so managed to get out to clear that first and the bottom of the door was iced in-I grabbed a very large aluminum vintage cooking spoon and was able to open the door enough to scoop out the snow that was blocking it to open up-kinda funny now I that I am thinking of that again smiles

Below taken from indoors watching the birds

Saturday I made us lasagna-turned out so delicious, I hadn't made this in years and years. I will share how I made it on my Food Wednesdays post

and this red wine was the perfect pairing for our meal

Happy T and new week.


  1. That looks freezing cold! Definitely a perfect day for some comfort food :-)

  2. Oh my, what a lot of snow you got! So cold! Your lasagne and red wine sounds delicious. Have a great week and a happy T day, Hugs, Valerie

    1. hoping that was the worst of our winter for the year Happy T, a good week for you as well-hugs

  3. Wow, lots of snow. The spoon scooping snow at the door brings back memories.
    The lasagna looks great.

    1. The lasagna was really good, a nice treat for us. that spoon just popped in my head as I could open the door enough to get the snow away from door

  4. Our storm wasn't nearly as bad as yours, but 20% of our utility customers are still without power. I was one of the lucky ones that got power back in less than a day.

    Your lasagna looks delicious. I haven't made any in decades. I started buying the Stouffer's frozen ;) but that doesn't taste as good as it used to.

    1. we were soooo thankful that we didn't lose power-were safe and warm

  5. Hi Kathy!!!

    Haven't been on the computer much lately but i HAD to pop over and see how you are doing! We've had our own mini snow and ice storm here and COLD!!! But we are coming out of it now thankgoodness.. The sun feels wonderfully warm when in reality its not very warm at all.. lol Great excuse to make Chili!! So glad you were able to dig yourself out! Hugs! deb

    1. Good morning, I hadn't realized that Texas would get that cold Chili is perfect for winter-I made that last week for us

  6. I am so glad you were safe during the storm. You got lots of ice. Sorry you had to shovel all that. Those stairs look scary.

    Your lasagna looks great and paring it with wine is wonderful, too. Thanks for sharing your storm, the birds, and your lasagna and wine with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

    1. Hi Elizabeth-I was amazed at the high drifting on those steps-and on the hill as well-we had strong winds for several days here. significant melting today

  7. The storm kind of wimped out by the time it got to Michigan — we are well prepared for snow, but it was only a few inches. It has been cold, though, and there’s still some ice under the snow in places.

    best… mae at

    1. I was surprised at the thickness of the ice under the snow-in some places over 2 inches for sure

  8. So much snow!!! Happy that we lucked out yet again and only got a few inches, but it's been really cold here too. Lasagne is such a wonderful comfort food- it looks delish, and we like that wine too:). Love seeing the birds. Happy T day wishes!

    1. This was quite the winter storm for this area. but the melting has really begun so that's a good thing. Happy T

  9. Lovely picture of the birds. Such a pretty site despite the snow and chill outside.
    Your lasagna looks and sounds delicious. I haven't made that in years but I came across GF lasagna noodles not too long ago so maybe I will give it a try soon.
    Stay warm and Happy Tea Day,

    1. Now adays one can find many gluten free items-which is really nice-25 years ago not so much, not even a gf flour mix to buy we had to make up our own mixes back then. Happy T

  10. I saw photos on the news of the storm in Missouri, and it must be a big change from your nicer weather. I'm curious what that red headed bird (with the white chest) at your feeder is. And lasagna is yummy, especially in the bad weather. Yours looks yummy. I hope you get some warmer weather this week ahead. Happy T day Kathy. Hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika, this bird is a red headed woodpecker, we also have the red bellied woodpecker that looks totally different this lasagna was really good. a big warm up tomorrow which should give us allot of melting Happy T

  11. We only got 6 inches here. It really melted good today. We are going to have 60 degrees again later this week! What weather! We love lasagna in this house, so that looks delicious! Happy T Day!

    1. Hi Sharon, I can't believe it but we will be 60 tomorrow-amazing change in weather-but that is typical for Missouri. we had allot of melting today too, especially up the hill after I managed to break through the ice for a path up to the top. I forgot how much I like lasagna haha Happy T

  12. Brrrr... but nice with the birds. My peanuts somehow don´t come by that often these days.
    And the birds don´t, either..
    Looking forward to Wednesday, I love lasagna! It´s been months I made the last one (Ingo doesn´t like the dish).
    Wine in a Harley glass :-)
    Happy T-Day to you (P.S. your card still has not arrived yet)

    1. Hello Iris, the squirrels are quite mischief makers-but funny sometimes to watch. I did post the food wednesdays post early-by mistake, I meant to schedule it for tomorrow and instead pushed post-so it's up now.
      Yep wine in a Harley glass haha
      This is so disappointing that you didn't get your bday card. I mailed first week in January I think.

  13. Wow, that quite a storm you had and it looks so cold! So pleased to see all the birds, they look so pretty 😀. I always feed the birds when it snows too, it's so important! Your lasagna looks so delicious, perfect with a glass of red wine. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. It was quite the wintry storm-allot of melting this week, happy T

  14. That storm was just the pits! Hopefully, the last of the season. My kitties would love watching the birds on your deck. It's lunch time, but nothing as good as your lasagna waiting for me. Happy T Day

    1. agree it was the pits haha It should be good weather storm wise going forward-we usually just get one bad one.
      Your kitties would enjoy watching the birds and maybe the squirrels too.

  15. Too much snow for me. Glad you are shoveled out. Yum on the lasagna. Have a great day.

  16. That sounds and looks like a whole lot of snow. Your lasagne looks perfect though. I thought of you yesterday when DH discovered a hummingbird nest in our grape vines. A couple of little eggs in it just waiting. I think he got some pictures.

    1. finding those little nests are special I have a bag of 5 or so that I found at our woods home

  17. Oh I just spotted that Yellow Tail wine, I remember that was good wine. I stopped drinking wine but I did used to buy that, Aussie wine is the best! Their reds are very delicious. That looks like a lot of snow, we are also having wild stormy weather, but luckily no snow. I think it might be too cold for snow? We have hail and rain and wind and the temp is about -3C (26F I think). Love the photos of the birds, they look hungry poor things. Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

    1. good morning I love yellow tail wines too we did get allot of ice and snow but most of it is melting away now-so happy about that. stay warm-hugs


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