Monday, February 21, 2022

Good Morning Monday Everyone

    and Happy President's Day, some of you may have gotten a 3 day weekend. After the crazy winter week we are in the 70's today, but it all goes back to winter after midnight tonight.

    This is what we like about this area of Missouri-as we always get breaks from winter.

 I wanted to thank everyone for your kind words and support. I realized I had gotten overwhelmed with being trapped in our home.  I don't mind staying in my home at all, but not to be able to get to the mailbox for three days took it's toll on me for some reason.

  I finished getting the very thick ice off the driveway this morning, but winter weather is coming back after midnight tonight-which sounds like more ice again sigh. at least this batch of ice is mostly gone.

  Wanted to let you know, that my friends online are really my lifeline to connect with another person, as is my slow mail-which I look forward to as well.

  I have decided to take a break from T for a bit, I always make sure I visit everyone on the T link up by the end of Tuesday and sometimes that is allot. 

  Will be posting for Food Wednesdays this week and also for Cast Iron Saturdays.

Thank you so much to all of you


  1. I treasure my blog friends too-and I LOVE getting mail from you! I am so isolated here as we don't attend in-person church yet because of masking differences. I guess I have always just let my sad times out on my blog-I guess I shouldn't but sometimes I can't help it...For some reason, the cabin fever is especially bad this year.

    1. Hi Debra-I so enjoy slow mail too-I love getting your letters too-hugs
      we are used to being by ourselves, I don't care to bop around anywhere these days-but I like having the choice or not.
      at least all this ice melted off before the next round

  2. We are lucky that we have a really mild winter though we are having some heavy windstorms last few days, which did make some serious damages and public transports are out of service. Hope that the weather gets better by your side soon, Kathy.

    1. I was reading about your very strong winds those can be scary hoping we don't get the ice again here

  3. I can imagine how stressful it was to be trapped for three days by the ice and snow. I am glad to know that slab of ice is gone for now! Hopefully this week’s storm won’t be so bad. But, I do have my fingers crossed! It was a lucky day for me when I found your blog! But, you have badly spoiled me! Of course I love it!

  4. I personally think that the older we get, the easier it is to be overwhelmed by things. We are getting that cold front tonight and to be honest my biggest worry is if my rooster Hector's girlfriend will be able to keep her eggs warm. She decided to nest in a box on my porch and I am REALLY hoping to see her have baby chicks. I LOVE Hector, lol.

    Stay well and don't stress. It's not good for your health.
    xx, Carol

    1. thank you Carol-hugs
      hoping you get baby chicks too

    2. yes and you are right about getting older and handling things differently now this is really the first time I have thought about getting older now-I never paid attention to age before but I see things differently at times too

  5. Blogging is a great way to connect with people, especially when you have a good group like the people we share in common blogging. We had a weather break today too, but more nasty weather as the week goes on. And glad you'll do food Wednesday as I've started a post for it. See you then Kathy.

    1. yes blogging is so much better than facebook I really don't like it there much, but many of my old blog friends are there instead-
      this looks like another rough winter week across the country.
      oh awesome for food wednesdays-hugs

  6. When Ingo fell so severly sick I could not tell anyone, not even my Brother, I would´ve broken down but needed to stay strong. My blog friends helped me through.
    Aren´t we lucky "these days"?
    To blogging - and Spring soon!

    1. good morning, yes our blog friends are very special so waiting for spring


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