Wednesday, March 5, 2025

More Winter & Slow Stitching

  I am thinking many of us are just sooooo ready for Spring. We woke up this morning to very very very strong winds with a little snow. The winds are to last all day today-I do not like listening to howling winds. I may just close up the blinds on the big windows today. We were supposed to get this last night but it arrived early this morning instead.

  Do you get into a slump and no longer have ideas as to what to make for your main meal? I have been going through that lately-just don't know what to make for something different.  We finished up the cake yesterday so may just bake some cookies today-get my mind off those winds.

 Have made more progress on my second slow stitch bag (photos will enlarge for better viewing just click on them)

This yellow was dyed with mimosa leaves. I stitched a few circles and squares and now filling in the rest-I should have used a bit darker yellow for those to stand out a bit more. I wanted this to stay soft with this natural dyed yellow. Hope to finish this area today or tomorrow


A peak out the window

Enjoy your day


  1. Those strong winds have finally left us....and i don't miss them... Yes i do run out of things to cook... thats why we eat out waaay too When i do cook i like to make a lot of something so it feeds us several days and/or i can freeze it... Loving your bag Kathy! Who knew Mimosa could make that yellow dye.. beautiful! And all that work handstitching... its a treasure! Stay warm! I hope you didn't get too much snow... Hugs! deb

    1. I think these winds will be here most of today-this must be a very slow moving storm. we rarely eat out anymore especially now after Larry's bad fall, but I rather cook anyways as I can control the sodium sugars gluten etc. but it was fun in the past to go out for a treat for us. I still have a dried mimosa leaves that I collected from our tree at the woods house. one needs to collect and dry the leaves only when the tree is in bloom to get the yellow.
      we did get a bit more snow since this photo-hugs

  2. The weather has made it to the east side of the state. There was a half hour of fat snowflakes that didn't stick to the street. Now the winds have kicked in and are supposed to last for the rest of the day. Fortunately I have nowhere to go.

    1. Good morning, being able to stay home is good on days like this. we got more snow now than what this photo shows-winds still howling-ugh. watching the sea gulls catch fish in the waves haha

  3. It looks like the ice is out on your lake but still cold. Well done on the sewing!

    1. Good morning, yes we had a week of really nice weather with sunshine so all the ice and snow melted. today just a couple inches of snow-but extremely windy Thank you my stitches are not all even but I am enjoying this project

  4. Love your slow stitching have not tried it yet. WE are getting rain it is only 35 degrees so not far from freezing. so raw and cold. I think they are worried about ice dams on the rivers that will cause flooding. I did some home chores and now I will tuck away in my room listening to music and hooking a bit.

    1. We are in the 20's F right now with that wind so I am not going up the steps and hill to the mail box today it is probably slick out there. Ice jams not good.
      Sounds perfect music and hooking-hugs

  5. Kathy, we had a couple days with warming temps in the mid 50s at the end of last week. And on our weekend trip to NJ it was near 60 during the day on Saturday.

    1. What a wonderful break in the weather-we had a few warmer days too a week or so ago-looks like warmer early next week.


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