Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Good Morning

 Good Morning Friends,

  Wanted to drop in and say Hello.  We are back to extreme humidity and very hot temperatures again-last week and continues on. July will close out being a very hot one.

 Wow August will be coming in this week-can you believe it??  For being stuck in the house this summer, the months continue to fly by for me. So much to do this coming fall too before winter-hoping we have a cool fall but knowing this part of Missouri, some years with this hot of a summer with lots or rainfall we could go right into very cold.

  Since I don't watch regular news shows anymore I totally forgot about our Missouri primary election. There have been so many campaign ads that reminded me. Voting is next week Tuesday.. We will be voting new everything this year beginning with the governor.  I need to look into getting Larry a mail in to vote for November.  I found a site online that shows you what is on the ballot and everyone was asked questions to answer and then you can print off your choices. There are two amendments to the Missouri constitution that I do not understand that I will look into before voting.

  Are you enjoying the Olympics in  Paris?  I love sports so I look forward to the Olympics.

    I enjoyed the opening ceremony on the seine river, but was appalled by their mockery of the last supper-which I read some say it was something else from their French history-but whatever it was-not fit for children to view. Thought it was too long as well-I watched it live-- was almost 5 hours long. It was a lot of drama and anticipation.  I found the games on nbc and usa networks-which I record live instead of watching the summery on nbc's evening show. I found archery-very exciting, shooting, surfing huge waves in Tahiti, equestrian and of course gymnastics. The swimming events are just not the same without Phelps and I do enjoy beach volleyball too but have not enjoyed that this year as much-the USA team in my opinion is not as good or as fun to watch as past great teams. So I am not watching those games anymore.

  Anyone paying extra for Peacock?  This is nbc's streaming channel that seem to push a lot of prime sports on to-I am paying enough each month for directv's streaming service so I won't be paying for more addons.      

    We are enjoying streaming tv better-as we can add apps-new to us since we don't use cell phones. You Tube is full of all sorts of programming now including old and free movies. I can also view my subscriptions on the large tv now instead of on my computer screen-I like that. A friend told us about a free app Tubi which is loaded with all sorts of free shows as well.  Streaming seems to be the future now.  

   I don't know how so many people watch all of these shows on their cell phones instead of on a nice tv screen.

  I am still watching KC Royals baseball games too-I record most shows now-and then buzz through the commercials.  More enjoyable and shorter viewing. The Royals this year are trying to get into the playoffs.

  Well enough about sports, sorry about that if you are not into sports-my husband doesn't watch any sports at all.  I am working on the same embroidery panel-I am not liking this one as much as others I have done. Usually all the motifs have the X's and the background with nothing-this is set up the opposite. I am finding it difficult to add in the X's where they are mot marked. The large wolf is about half finished now.

  No photos to share so will share a Snoopy-hoping I didn't bore you too much.


  1. We are enjoying the Olympics, grossed out by news of how dirty the Seine river is -Christine cmkk79.blogspot.com

  2. Bore? You bore? What a silly thought...lol I do love to catch some of the Olympics.. i probably watch more but i don't have the patience to deal with the streaming we have . I 'm sure streaming is the wave of the future.. but i sure just miss the way it used to be.. I know i'm a stick in the mud.. oh well.. Most of the time on streaming i don't find anything i want to watch but i said the same thing about Dish so i guess theres no pleasing me...lol To and humid here too but thankfully this morning the sun is behind the clouds.. i'll take it! I'm off to weed eat.. .my daily chore.. Hugs! deb

    1. I am sooo behind on the weed eating all this grass again-just too hot and humid for me to be outdoors even early morning too hot already. I am someone that rarely finds a movie to watch-I don't like to sci fi or violence, or most comedys either haha I am a family hallmark type movie watcher. Once In awhile Larry finds me a good movie. I am mostly sports and magnolia network, food shows diy etc

    2. Well i'd say we are complete opposites when it comes to TV...lol I don't watch most sports or magnolia or foodshows ( i make an exception for the Great British Bake Off when i can find it) or diy... lol I'am definitely a movie person and sci fi.. We do NOT like comedy.. I do like some family /Hallmark... but usually the acting is ssooo bad i just can't watch it.. I like the Good Witch series and some of the mystery stuff... Hugs! deb

    3. I loved watching the British Bake Off but I don't know what channel they moved to I could not find it anymore several years ago.
      I don't like comedy either. I agree some of the Hallmark shows are pretty bad-and many have gone woke as well-I watch more on Great American Family channel now-many of the actors have moved over to this channel because of it.
      I liked the good witch series too and some of the mysteries over on Hallmarks movies and mystery channel

  3. We do not watch much tv in the summer at all we are lucky if the tv goes on at 9pm and we head to bed at 10. We do the British apps on TV mostly.
    I did not see the opening ceremony only saw a clip of Celine Dion sing.
    That is it.
    We have spent lots of time in the gardens or on the porch. It is a hot summer.

    1. Yes this is a very hot summer for a lot of us. I pretty much gave up on outdoors work this year don't want to get sick out there nice you be outdoors and do other things instead of being "stuck" in the house-hugs

  4. I dont watch the Olympics nor do we have streaming on our tv's. I did hear about the opening ceremony and was very appalled by this. Even the portrayal of Marie Antoinette was not in good taste. I am of French decent and it makes me even more sad to hear they allow this stuff to be aired. Someone had to approve this and by no means was this in good taste for children. Ok enough of my soapbox. I hope you are able to get a mail in vote for Larry. It is important to vote. Humidity came back here too and I had to drive in a thunderstorm to work this morning with more rain to drive on my way home. Well hope you have a great evening and hope it cools down for you. Janice

    1. I did read that someone was doing a lawsuit against nbc for airing all that-being not appropriate for kids. it was in very very poor taste--and it was soooo long too. I wonder if the networks didn't know about this-but they could have stopped the live feed-I watched it live.
      sorry you had to drive in a storm-that's no fun at all I remember my rough commutes in the winter storms-ugh.
      Have a good week

  5. I enjoy the Olympics, but I did not like the opening ceremony. I saw a show, a celebration, it could be a festival, but I did not see anything about culture and Olympic games. Do you remember the greek opening ceremony? It was simple, I saw mythology, culture and Olympic games. Try to find a video of greek opening ceremony in 2004 and you will understand what I am talking about. Big hugs, my friend.

  6. On the eastern side of the state there's a heat warning until Thursday night. Not sure how far you are from the actual Lake, and if that would even help cool things off.

    1. Hi we are on lake in the ozarks and it has been very very hot and humid here-mostly staying in the house this summer

  7. I enjoyed your post, Kathy. We haven't gotten into streaming for programs to watch on tv I don't think Dan would have the patience for that. We rarely find anything that we enjoy on tv but keep paying the outrageous monthly subscription to Dish. We may have to rethink that. We do enjoy some of the old movies I have found on You tube. Recently we watched an old silent movie, and actually kind of enjoyed it. We are in for a streak of hot days. We are cutting hay fields again; hope the tractor ac's keep working. My old computer died awhile back, so finally got a new one. It is fast. Yay!

    1. So glad you dropped by-enjoy your new computer, stay cool and don't work too hard in the fields-hugs

  8. I like watching the Olympics too. And yes, time is flying. I can't believe it is almost August. Our humidity has just come back, so like you, I'll be inside more. It's kind of like our winters only instead of cold it's too hot. :) I hope you have a nice rest of the month. hugs-Erika

    1. I was thinking that too-stuck indoors do to the weather like in winter times I hope we have a decent fall this year

  9. I watched about 10 minutes of the opening ceremonies while I was waiting for my PBS show to come on. I thought it was boring. I haven't watched a single event this year and I'm normally glued to the set. That's the difference between having cable and no longer having cable. But at least I'm saving money.

    1. I agree cable has gotten very expensive-since we are pretty much stuck in the house these days it is our entertainment now take care hugs

  10. I didn't watch the opening, I fell asleep before it started! I don't watch much TV at all. Hope your weather stays as you like it. Take good care of yourself. Hugs, Valerie

    1. The opening ceremony was very long-over 4 hours. we continue to be too hot and humid here so ready for fall this year-hugs take care of you as well hugs

  11. What a full post and nice catch-up. It's bloody hot here, too. I'm only about half through the opening and doubt I'll finish. I've only watched a couple of things -- the tail end of the cycling time trial, a bit of gymnastics. Lots is being recorded (by accident, actually -- I don't know why but somehow I'm getting almost every event. I delete as fast as I can!) I like the Olympics but not that much!

  12. I agree with you, time is really flying by. Tomorro will be August 1st - how did that happen?
    We don't watch the Olympics - I used to watch them when we still lived in Germany, but here they seem to concentrate just Team USA and forget that there are many other countries in the mix. I love the much more balanced way in Europe. I saw a summary of the opening ceremony on German TV and didn't find it particularly interesting. By the way, the Seine is no longer dirty, they actually cleaned it up before the Olympics and the mayor of Paris took a dip into the water. We don't have TV, but like to watch German shows via VPN which we enjoy. - It's hot here as well, but thankfully not humid, and in typical Northern California weather pattern it's quite cool in the morning. That's when I work in the garden and do my walks. I hope your weather will turn a little bit more comfortable. Take care - Carola

    1. That is really nice to enjoy cool mornings we are not cooling down at all here I didn't care for the opening ceremony either-too long and too much drama. I did like the idea of boats for each country's athletes.
      Nice you found a way to watch your German shows.

  13. I have watched some of the Olympics but as a new re0-broadcast the next morning when I catch up on events of the day before on my tablet with a cup of coffee. We do not watch sports programs, but these Olympic thletes are to celebrated.


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