Thursday, May 2, 2024

Iris's Blooming

 Just popping in to share my lovely iris's this morning.

A couple of years ago I dug this all up and split them into singles and re planted. This year the blooms are larger and so beautiful. Up on top of the rock wall to the right of the a/c-heating unit are mints.

Huge storms with lots of rain, wind and hail are forecast to arrive sometime today-so far nothing so it may just go around us.

   Oh I don't think I shared my spun skein of buffalo fibers blended with Shetland wool fibers. 

  I see dust is collecting on my loom-I need to get my mind clear so I can re do the threading mistake on this pattern-ugh.

  Happy Thursday


  1. The iris blooms were lovely to see, Kathy, and made me recall the ones we used to have in our front yard.

  2. Your irises are fabulous. One of my springtime faves and one I cannot seem to grow!

  3. Love your spun skein. So primitive looking. Most of all I so love your pretty irises. Hopefully the storms will pass you by. Janice

    1. Thank you so much I love to spin just never mastered the finer yarns. i do like this look too and the yarn being a little more bulky you can see what it is too instead of the very fine yarns that spinners spin.
      So far no storms-they may just blow over us. that would be fine by me- The iris's are so pretty this year-with larger blooms too

  4. Your irises are gorgeous Kathy, You're so lucky they are blooming. Enjoy them; sadly they always seem to come and go so quickly. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you, these are just so pretty this year-was worth digging them all up ad separating the tubors. they got a good rain last night and cool today so will extend the blooms Hugs

  5. Irises are so pretty Kathy... Hard to keep looking nice here in TX... maybe under a tree they might do well.. but i have no trees..
    Is that a Split A/C unit? Thats what hubby uses in his shop. I wouldn't think it would heat/cool a whole house but hubby tells me they do make ones that do that...

    I hope you figure out your pattern... Hubs and i started to figure out two windchimes i have collected stuff for . Just yesterday i found the top plate for one at a scrap metal paid 50 cents!! A metal wheel to some long ago field machine.. PERFECT!

    We've had a little 1/2" of rain... the big storms missed us yesterday ... they developed just East of us and went East... another chance today then Saturday evening is our greatest chance... they can keep the tornados but hopefully we get some rain.. Big Hugs! deb

    1. Good morning, for this little plot of land on the lake we have lots of trees here. We got a good amount of rain last night-a good soaker we needed it. hopefully I can get back to the grass cutting and on to the pulling weeds etc.
      Your wind chime will be awesome!-I love projects like that-be sure to share.
      Hopefully you will get some rain with no tornadoes. we missed the bad storms that went through in the area last night-thankful
      Happy Friday and weekend hugs

    2. Oh and yes this is heat and a/c works well for the garage-which is a good size. I think we bought it on sams clubs site a few years ago

    3. Hubs loves his split A/C for the shop... and it hardly moves the electric bill... :)

    4. this one works pretty good too but the a/c does raise the bill for us if it is on a long time

  6. Such beautiful iris blooms, lovely colours.
    Wishing you a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  7. I miss rainy days on the lake. Not windy rainy days, just those lazy rainy days where you stay inside reading a book and watch the rain pitter pattering off the water.

    1. Good morning, Yes I enjoy on rainy day like that too-very peaceful and comforting. I do a lot of reading too
      Happy weekend

  8. You are weeks ahead of us my irises haven't even budded yet. I do hope you didn't get the bad weather to ruin your beautiful flowers

    1. We missed the bad storms-thank goodness-but we did get a lot of rain

  9. Nice!!! I planted flowers, too - so far, nothing. But my strawberries from 1974 are on the way!


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