Saturday, June 8, 2024

Pretty Blooms

  I shared my amaryllis bulb a couple posts ago-being so excited to have two flower stems.

   The first stem has been blooming this week and the blooms are huge and gorgeous.

 I think this plant below might be one of the milkweed seeds I planted last year. The butterflies are loving it


  We continue to have too much rain here in the Ozarks. I have a rain gauge now and it has shown 3 inches of rain the last couple times  (including last night) of hard rain that lasts several hours. More rain coming late today.

  Larry overdid the steps two weeks ago so sadly he is now paying the price for that. He was making it up to the top and back down again  on the stairs, with very little pain, so he did this every day for a week, along with walking with just his cane.  Now he is suffering from that-I so feel for him. The physical therapy ended this week. We are thankful that they helped Larry since he came home from the hospital mid October last year. A very long recovery for sure.

  So this also means we can not get back to this water project to finish that-which rain water from above is just pouring in on this right side looking up the steps. The chocolate mint-while killing out my perennials is keeping the soil in place-somewhat.  So I  decided to stop fretting about it and will need to replace next year. makes me sad as I grew lot from seeds to plants in this space.

 On June 5th we celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary. I made bbq ribs and sides-Larry's favorite so I always make those for us.

  I am enjoying watching baseball again-following the KC Royals. They are a young team and finally working well together this season-fun to watch.

Happy June and enjoy your weekend


  1. Your amaryllis blooms are wonderful.

    Happy 42nd Anniversary wishes, your BBQ ribs and sides sound good.

    All the best Jan

  2. Happy Anniversary! I am so sorry your husband is having such a tough time it sounds like he was making progress.
    We have had heavy rain a couple of nights and off and on during the day. Tomorrow is suppose to be a rain day. We have has such lovely days I hated to see them go.

    1. Yes this has been a very up and down recovery for sure.
      we are in a rain pattern still-more coming in tonight
      hopefully will dry out soon

  3. That anniversary dinner sounded great, Kathy, and happy 🥂anniversary to you both🥂

  4. First off: Happy, happy anniversary and second. Yupp. A master in overdoing it, too :-(
    Don´t be too mad at Larry.. we just wanna be fit for our loved ones.... and we never learn... or just bit by bit. Ingo´s nagging really helped.
    I tried to write you a real letter three times. I am at it, please bare with me.
    By the time I wanted to send the first one... it was "old" already! )as in you´d answered on the blog already)...

    1. Thank you Iris , I was thinking back, we have accomplished a lot of different things over the years.
      No I can't be mad at Larry-since for once he didn't have a lot of pain he kept pushing-sadly another big set back.
      No worries about your letter Iris-hugs-you are busy with work right now too. I am working on making summer cards which I hope to finish today-since it is again raining early this morning-ugh my grass is getting so tall with all this hard rain every day lately ugh. I hope to get the international cards mailed out tomorrow.
      Have a good week-don't work too hard-hugs

  5. Replies
    1. thank you We are so enjoying these beautiful large blooms was such a surprise too

  6. Your weather sounds grim, Kathy. I hope things ease up for your soon. I'm sorry to hear Larry had a step-back but I'm sure with rest and picking up again (maybe a bit less vigorously) he'll be back on the right path. Hang in there.

    1. I am getting tired of this continuous rain my grass in areas is getting so tall too will need a couple sunny days to dry so I can cut it-hopefully soon.
      we try to keep positive hugs

  7. Happy belated anniversary Kathy. Sorry to read that Larry is still in recovery mode too. Somethings just take forever to heal, don't they? And your amaryllis looks so lovely. My friend has some blooming now too. I thought they were Christmas flowers, but it doesn't really matter, does it? When they bloom they are so pretty. Have a wonderful and hopefully drier start to the new week. hugs-Erika

    1. Good morning the hard rain started again very early this morning and still raining-again ugh
      This bulb did not bloom around christmas time but produced two baby bulbs instead. I put them outdoors once no ore freezes and surprise to bloom stems. we are really enjoying it--with all this rain coming in I bring it in at night.
      so behind on outdoor grass cutting with all this rain hope it stops soon
      Have a good week hugs

  8. Fabulous amaryllis! Sending hugs and prayedrs to Larry, Valerie

    1. thank you we are really enjoying it-the blooms are so huge too

  9. Congratulations on your belated Anniversary! I've been missing in action online lately so i missed this post.. never enough hours in a day... Hubby and i celebrated our 35 Anniversary June 7-8th... I'm sure hubby would have loved your ribs... but we drove 90 miles to go to Red Lobster as the one in our town closed a couple years ago...
    So sorry to hear Larry over did and is paying he price... Hope he is feeling better soon! Hugs! deb

    1. sorry I missed commenting on this one. Happy Anniversary to you two-hugs
      I don't think we have ever eaten at a Red Lobster always looks good on their commercials we don't eat out much-we did a little bit when I was working so many over time hours. we both have health concerns that safer for us to eat at home.
      did you grab a hotel afterwards? hugs back


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