Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Share a Summer Card? Updated June 9

   Since we are closing in on June, I looked up the date for when summer begins and it will be June 20.

    I have noticed being a senior in my 70's now, the days and dates just fly by-not sure why that is. When I was working as a Bell telephone operator the days dragged on soooo slow.

  I have really enjoyed my retirement years. I retired in the fall of 2003 A stay at home person but I have enjoyed many crafts like natural dyeing and printing that I wanted to try and several others.

 I enjoyed making Spring cards to mail out, and enjoyed the cards of those that wished to swap cards with me. Thank you again for those.

  I thought I would put it out there to share a summer card with me. I do love slow mail-smiles.

     You are most welcome to make a card-that is always fun for me, but you can also send along a purchased card about summer time too or even a postcard if you are traveling, I would enjoy that as well.

  Just let me know in comments if you wish to swap a summer card with me, and if I do not have your mailing address I have a contact link here on my blog page. Of course there are no "rules" except to mail in time for the first day of summer-June 20

  Good evening, I spent most of today finishing up making my Summer cards-they were fun and am happy with them. I rarely have a plan I just jump in haha.
   This is snow CLOSED-I made a dozen handmade cards and will mail the international cards out tomorrow-June 10th  and the USA cards end of this week. Thank you to the friend that is joining in, the rest of my cards went to a few long time friends and a couple will go to my slow mail friends.


  1. I know, time does fly, doesn't it Kathy. You've been retired for over 20 years. Congrats for that milestone. And the same is true for me. I never have enough time in a day but when I worked, the day seemed to be much longer. hugs-Erika

    1. I know never could figure that out either maybe cause not watching the clock all the time when working

  2. The days slip by so fast since I retired I am never sure of the date anymore.
    I got your letter and will have one to go in the mail tomorrow.

    1. I never know the date here-I only pay attention for important stuff-bills etc.
      no hurry-hugs

  3. Have fun with this Kathy! -Christine

  4. June, what a wonderful month. Do they even have telephone operators anymore? We used to use an operator all the time back in the day, now I do not even know what would happen if I dialed "0".

    1. Haha actually I thought about that the other day if there were still any operators left. I was able to retire with full benefits just before the company started closing down operator offices. where I lived they closed everything down around me soon after retirement sent the operators to downtown chicago and then less then a year later closed down that office-and they would not allow transfers to other departments-which they had never done before. a lot people just missed their retirement benefits
      I was soooo thankful I had my years in just before that

  5. Dear Kathy, I once heard that the reason time passes faster the older you get is this: When you are 6 years old, a year is ONE SIXTH of your life - so a long time - it takes FOREVER until your next birthday ;-). When you are 60 years old, a year is ONE SIXTIEST of your life, and therefore much less. And of course it works the same at 70, 80, etc. ;-))
    I hope you get lots of postcards! (I myself am glad when I don't get postcards, I don't know where to put them...)
    All the best,

    1. thanks Traude had not heard time explained that way before-

  6. Many congratulations on your retirement and I totally agree, I'm not sure how I ever fitted in work as the time just flies by ❤️. Take care and sending you happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  7. I will be happy to share a summer card Kathy! I still have your address. I will send mine in your contact form.

  8. I so look forward to retirement, too.
    When I lost my job, ohhh, all the free time I had on my hands!
    Was a hard working week again, too knackered for training even. Your letter is still right here, but, owwww. But who works 9 hours on a Friday, huh.
    I´ll be at it, though, I promise. Work due end of next week, hope I manage...

    1. You will manage-hugs there were a few years when I was working there was soooo much overtime and I had a long drive to work and back home as well-you'll get through it

  9. I also meant I hope to manage to send something back to you! It´s not only take, it´s give and take ;-) Hugs to you and the lake

  10. I'm sitting down to write you a snail mail letter this week Kathy!!! Woot Woot.. I think i will combine that with 'making' you a card... the Spring card i owe you lol... You 'll probably get a Summer card at some point over the Hugs! deb

    1. Good morning-I will look forward to it- I have been slacking with my letter writing taking care of Larry, and I know you are busy busy with grandchildren-hugs no worries

  11. Retirement has been good for myself and Eddie.
    So nice to live life a little slower and not to have your eye on the clock.

    Wishing you a happy new month of June.

    All the best Jan

    1. thanks Jan, I love retirement too-my job was very stressful and I had a long driving commute

  12. Happy June. I hope I can retire soon. Looking forward to it. Janice


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