Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Surprise in my Clay Flower Pot

   A few days ago while walking down the hill and steps from the mail box, I was looking at the amaryllis bulb that was growing a flower stem-I noticed a second flower stem-Wow I have never seen two flower stems growing at the same time.

  This is  my three year old bulb that did not flower over winter but produced two small new bulbs.

We still continue  to have storms and rain here in the Ozarks. Last night was also cooler which was nice. Am hoping this week to feel better and be more motivated to tackle the weeds and over grown chocolate mint do to too much water in that area from the unfinished project from last fall and all the rains . One day at a time.

 Happy Mid-week


  1. Nice that your amaryllis is now growing, hope you soon get some blooms. Hugs, Valerie

  2. How beautiful amaryllis are. They make you wish, as their flowering appears on the day you least expect it.

  3. You're right... one day at a time... thats all i can handle too.. Lovely that you have a two stem Amaryllis ... I have had those before... I think some variety's are predisposed to two stems than others.. Stay safe. Hugs! deb

    1. I wonder since it is an older bulb too for the two stems, but in the past I have had bulbs older than this on Well this is a first for me-fun! pretty cool.
      Yes especially being seniors one at a time is a good thing.

  4. Chocolate mint I will put on my list!
    As yet, this year, I haven't decided what planter to put the mint. It is a must have summer treat. In the ground years ago, it spread all over the place. Planters are easier.

    1. I agree do not know what I was thinking-However, the too much water in that area this mint loves-unbelievable how tall and how much it spread and took over. soon I will be pulling it out for sure

  5. I can imagine your joy at these new buds, maybe I should'nt have split mine apart.

    1. I don't know I am just so surprised by these blooms. My bulbs usually bloom around thanksgiving or Christmas here. In the past I have split the young bulbs off too-perhaps that is the reason and this is the first time to have bloom stalks growing at the same time

  6. So beautiful.

  7. This is happening to one of my friends amaryllis bulbs too. So weird.

    1. I think this is so strange too, especially since it produced two baby bulbs over winter-hoping the bulb is not dying out.


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