Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day & Stitches

  Good morning, now I know why the lake was crazy busy all day and night yesterday-it's Father's Day weekend. We have full sun, humidity and 90's F so the younger ones love this weather for sure. Especially on a lake. Loads of fireworks all around us too.

Sooo  Happy Father's Day

  You know you are a  senior when your parents are no longer with us. My Mom had told me she felt so old as her friends and family passed over the years. It's the way of life though.

 I have bad hand writing, always have. I keep trying to improve that. So my hand stitching is not super good either.  I finished the first week of stitches this morning. She asked us to make a flower with the three stitches from the class.

  I grabbed a piece of cotton from my reclaimed clothing stash. Over the years I have collected 100% cotton, wool, silk and linen pieces from clothing. Washed them and took them apart at the seams-makes wonderful fabrics for quilts etc.

  This blue fabric is from a very light weight jeans fabric from a pair of ladies jeans.

I am working on not having to be perfect with these lessons, and enjoy learning and having fun with it.


  1. Doing some slow stitching is on my 'to do' list which you know is miles No class for me though... I have a needle point book given to me by my late Mother in law years ago.. I may go through that for some ideas but i will probably just 'wing it' lol I have come across some websites/blogs that take little square/rectangles pieces of cloth and stitch them together in like a long string of fabric and slow stitch on that.. that looks like fun to me and something i might be up for.. HOT and HUMID Here.. our temp today is 100F .. Rain keeps missing us but leaves behind the humidity.. uuugh.. Theres talk of a tropical disturbance in the Gulf that may come our way and give a little relief with some rain and cooler temps next week.. fingers crossed... shhhh don't scare it Hugs! deb

    1. Good morning, I have a few books on stitches that I bought when I wanted to stitch a crazy quilt. I thought I would watch these videos of hers and it has really helped me-I can be a slow learner on things like this.
      I hope you get some rain-I forgot about Father's Day-we both lost our fathers years ago so I don't think about it-so the lake has been crazy busy and very noisy all weekend including loads of fireworks.

    2. Oh and I am hoping you get the needed rain

  2. Acquaintances who have houses at the Lake talk about staying away from the water on summer weekends!

  3. We have been very busy because of Motocycle week. I am glad they are mostly gone now. there have been so many accidents.
    I would love to take a stitching class like that but I do so little crafts in the summer. I am busy with my gardens and getting out.

    1. Oh bummer about the accidents. sometime during the summer there is a huge motorcycle rally that comes to the lake in the ozarks-Larry used to ride before we got together.
      nice you can get out-enjoy that-I am pretty much stuck in the house these days. she shares videos of 3 different stitches every week- thought I would try it out since it is free
      we still have had so much rain here and now it is in the 90's with humidity-too hot for me to be out there
      have a good week

  4. nice stitching Kathy. The 90's are coming out way this week. I'm not looking forward to it either. I hope you have a nice week. hugs-Erika

  5. I lost my parents early.
    Ingo (I hope it´s OK I show my "mailman" your letters - he is always happy, too, to bring them in) - he loves your handwriting so much he wants to hang it in on the wall :-)
    Are you OK with that? It´s just for us and art. Oh, I wish you visit us one day...
    To make you smile: I hardly ever can read my own notes I take at work! I have to ask back often...
    So sad quilts are unknown here in Germany. And I have no talent... You do... cute flower!
    Still cold here (wearing warm socks etc) - hugs to you and the lake - keep on writing - I will try, too...

    1. Hello Iris, yes of course ok for Ingo to read the letters too-hugs My handwriting is a work in progress haha I try to get better. If he wants to hang on wall fine with me.
      have to really work at my handwriting. did you get the summer card? that is sad your area is not familiar with quilts. thanks I am hoping to learn and improve with my stitches. you can have our 90's and humidity for awhile
      take care-hugs

    2. so sorry of the loss of your parents early that is sad My father did pass from a heart attack in his early 60's back then they could save him it is hard at times with no family left

  6. Kathy I have been missing visiting...sorry. So good to read your posts and catch up dear friend. I think today we are getting your hot and humid and drier than it should be. Your stitches are lovely. Odd that you mentioned age because I was thinking as I picked raspberries last evening that my fingers don't work quite as agilely as they used to do. Well take care friend and I am off to read back through your previous posts. Sending you hugs!

    1. No problem at all, I have not done well with visiting friends online either. I have gotten overwhelmed at times from Larry's bad fall in October. and this heat is too much for me right now and the water issue that he was working on when he fell is causing issues. we will get through it though-hugs

  7. I took have horrible handwriting. Well, maybe not horrible, but I don't like to do it. I can type like crazy, but my hand and brain seems to have a disconnect when it comes to handwriting.

    1. I prefer to hand write letters but need to take my time with it


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