Thursday, August 29, 2024

Morning Surprise

   During this very hot summer, I have missed hearing the eagle pair singing and sitting together.

This week though I have heard his song but haven't seen them-this morning-I could.

  I had to really zoom in.

Yesterday I was concerned though, as their was a bobcat clearing brush up there. On no I am thinking, hoping they don't take the trees down as well.

  When we first moved here, we learned that a family owned this large piece of property up on top of this hill. I have been so hoping this didn't get chopped up for lots of homes. This eagle family has been been here for many many years.  Will have to wait to see what happens.


  1. How lovely to see the eagle. I just hate -- beyond words -- seeing trees and beautiful areas like this leveled for homes. It just hurts.

    1. Me too, I had thought of that when we bought here-during covid many many people moved here to the lake-so they are running out of property by now. there is a lot of land up there and they would want lake views. ugh

  2. Praying the eagle family does not get displaced. So sad. They are magnificent. Janice

    1. I hope so too. this eagle family has been in this spot for many many years too Have a good Labor Day weekend

  3. That would be so sad if the eagles lost their homes. They are really beautiful birds and you captured a great shot of them. Our heat wave has finally subsided and we are enjoying somewhat milder hot weather like mid 85

    1. I am hoping they leave those trees too. I think our cool down will start tomorrow after the rain

  4. The owners probably don't even know there is a nesting pair of eagles there if they don't live in the area.. I wonder about the powerlines running through those trees.. The electric companies cut trees mercilessly . They chopped our pine trees up in Arkansas terribly... I used to hate to see them come.. So funny , when you mentioned 'bobcat' my first thought was the Fingers crossed for your Eagles...
    Hope you and Larry have a good day! Today is hubs Birthday! We are having a little BarBQ with the kids over then tomorrow he goes golfing out of town.. Rain... beautiful rain..he may have to play between the raindrops... no complaining here about rain! lol Hugs! deb

    1. Hi Deb, since we have been here no one has ever cut up there before, wondering if the owners sold the property. that was always a thought when we were looking at this property- since so much has sold since here covid-they are building lake view homes now (nodirect access to lake) not sure who I could even call about this.
      Hope you get the much needed rain-Happy Birthday to your Hubs!

    2. You might be able to call your local electric company to see if they have crews out cutting in your area... not that they would stop.. Is the Bald Eagle still a protected bird..?

    3. No this was not the electric company-a private bobcat--I am thinking perhaps that property up there got sold sigh I thought the eagles were protected-I will check on that

  5. I too hope the eagle family will not get displaced.

    All the best Jan


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