Friday, October 27, 2023

Little lizard in the House

    This was something new to see. I was walking into the bedroom to help Larry with something, and just to my right of the doorway was a wild little lizard. There are many different species of these cute little critters here in Missouri-my favorite is the blue ones.

   This one was very long and darker colors to grey. I start to point at him to Larry and it scoots through the the corner of a trim board.

  Wow had never seen one of these indoors before.

Looking it up, in case it could be a spiritual message of some sort, and found this online

What is the spirituality of lizard?

   Lizard as a spirit animal seeks creative people that are facing blockages. It arrives to break a cycle and provide a fresh perspective. The setback you're experiencing is temporary and it has lessons to offer you. Lizard's arrival in your life assures there's an exciting opportunity ahead

There is a blockage with my weaving at the moment, spinning is not a joy right now either taking care of Larry. 

Found 5 other reasons here for seeing a lizard in your home

Right now the exciting opportunity would be to get Larry's severe pain in control.  In home health care and rehab begins next week


  1. Some family members are terrified of lizards

    1. oh bummer, here in Missouri they are very small and quite sweet, many will play with them for a bit too

  2. We dont have lizards here in Michigan but I do think they are cool. Enjoyed reading the meaning of them coming in and I do believe it was a sign for you. Janice

    1. thank you Janice-when I saw him I thought it was a sign too

  3. How interesting! I love the pretty little lizards we have around here and avoid spraying chemicals because of them. I also think this was a sign for you.

  4. thanks Mary-that was my first thought when I saw him and then he dashed off through the floor trim

  5. You have a lot on your plate right now and #3 might be it. Sending healing wishes for your husband

  6. A lizard!!!! How cool is that?! We had a bunch of lizards with lines running down them AND blue tails this summer.. I like to read about the meaning that is placed on them... The birds here are flocking together... big cold front expected .. down to 26 F one night i think.. brrr.. quick change over from hot.. but i'm not complaining.. I'm more then willing to put on a sweatshirt or Oh i hope for some pain relief for Larry soon . I just can't imagine going through that with no pain relief.. They've always given Alvin hydrocodone in the past, worked okay.. at least it took the edge off and helped him sleep.. Thinking of you often Kathy. Good to see a post from you.. Hugs! deb

    1. Wow is that pretty cold for your area? we will have a few days of 20's at night too-cold and dreary here today-and there are fisherman out on the lake today too.
      Larry has had hydrocodone in the past-but He can no longer take that-too many major side effects for him. He does seem to be sleeping a bit more which is a good thing.
      I love the little blue ones too hugs

  7. How lovely and meaningful that the lizard visited you. Sendings hugs and prayers for Larry. Happy weekend, hugs Valerie

  8. I hope he's a friendly lizard, like Harry in "Death in Paradise." I don't think I've ever seen on "in person."

  9. Yay to the cute and clever lizard! I once (...!) saw a tiny one in Australia´s Outback. He "waved" at me (maybe he tried to shoo me away?).
    I sure´d love one in my house.
    Once I was totally stressed from long travel. Waiting with the luggage for Ingo through the speakers came my late Dad´s voice!
    Interesting article, thank you, dear Kathy.
    To a good, helpful next week and hope the lizard really did help, hugs to you and the lake!

    1. These little lizards are so fun to watch outdoors-they are very fast too. My late father spoke to me once many years ago-it gave me peace at the time.
      thank you we are much colder now but Larry's rehab begins this coming week hugs back

  10. We've just wrapped up some gorgeous weather so I got behind blogging. It was just too nice not to be outside-mostly trying to get things cleared up for winter. Now it's cold and damp for a few days. Wow, that is interesting about lizards. First of all seeing one, and second of all what it could mean. I like a new perspective. It keeps you on your toes I think. I hope the hubby is healing nicely and not in so much pain. And I hope you are holding up also Kathy. hugs-Erika

  11. I didn't know that about lizards. - Anne (Cornucopia)

  12. The lizard brings a good message. Interesting information, I didn't know they are spirit creatures.

    1. I didn't either, but I felt a message of some sort so had to look it up

  13. Such an interesting idea to look up the spiritual message about the lizard and the information was very insightful. Perhaps it has to do with Larry's recovery too! Lizard's arrival in your life assures there's an exciting opportunity ahead-

    1. I think so too, I just felt something when the lizzard "popped" in for a visit-not totally sure of the message yet

  14. Oh Lizards are interesting, I didn´t know they are spirit, so it´s good message I think. My neigbour of the first floor has got two lizards in her terrace. I hope Larry will feel better, rehabilitation is very important, take care and courage dear Kathy.
    I wish you a nice weekend, and send big hugs

  15. Dear Kathy, I haven't had a lizard in my bedroom yet, I only saw one once in the garden. And sometimes we see some on hikes, but these are very rare occasions. (I'll be showing an green lizard in a post soon, it was a wonderful sight). There are far more of these shy animals to be seen in warmer countries than Austria. Hopefully the spiritual meaning of the lizard will actually bring improvements in your home - both for your weaving and spinning blockages and for Larry's health, which hopefully will improve soon. (My husband has also at a bit of a standstill - we now know that he has a "walking pneumonia", but despite antibiotics and other medications and rest, it's not getting better so far...)
    Warm November greetings!
    🍂🍃🍁🍃 🍂

  16. If the lizard keeps appearing, you haven't learned the lesson yet! ☺ I often find that animal totems appear in my life over and over until the lightbulb finally goes off over my head and I listen to their messages!


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