Monday, September 11, 2023

Remembering 9/11



  1. That's a beautiful image and quite poignant because of all the victims names in the background.

  2. Such a wonderful picture. Alas some are forgetting this tragic piece of our history, including our own president. Janice

  3. I was at my customer, Volkswagen. All we had was internet, no TV.
    CNN only hat the start-Page.
    My colleague had family in New York, as our secretary. Both were in panic and fear.
    Ingo was working for a company that sold TVs and they had the news running.
    Customers thought it´s an action movie.
    I had a date on Monday at ESE and this date feels still terrible. My teamleader is much younger than me and her friend´s Son has his Birthday on this date. She said, no one wants to have a Birthday on 9/11...
    I so look not forward to flying to Perth. You will have to strip to get on board, no water etc, etc.... They are so mighty with their terrorism acts, it´s a pain.

  4. Gorgeous image Kathy...I am sure all of us who lived through that tragic event will never forget. Take care friend. Hugs!

  5. Beautiful memorial tribute. - Anne (Cornucopia)


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