Saturday, August 10, 2024

It's Not Just Politics This Election

    I don't want to post politics as most of my readers have different views than I do, but I just wanted to express my views and share what I believe. .Note: some like to debate-I don't debate-period. I am just sharing my thoughts that this is not a regular election-it's a choice on keeping America or Not.

  This coming November election should not be about what party you favor, but saving our great country from demise.  I know this sounds dismal but in my opinion this Is the most important election of my lifetime and I will be 75  this October. I have voted in every election since I was 21 and could vote. I do this to honor my freedom of voting, and to honor the past women that fought for my right to vote.

 If you are one to watch the news daily or read it on your phones you have been indoctrinated by the media with whom ever is in charge with untruths and misleading information. Sounds crazy doesn't it??  but  a few years ago I had watched something live and the news media twisted it all around to report a lie. I was stunned and from that day forward I have not watched any news shows.  I also don't watch conservative based news either as both sides spin a truth to what they want to tell you. Instead I scan the internet and compare notes of the reporting to figure out what the truth might be.

 If you are a senior like me, you may remember Walter Cronkite a news man-back then the news was reported,  Not someone's "agenda" or their "spin" on the truth. I would really like to know who is running our country right now. Wouldn't you? Have you ever thought about it? 

   Biden is not capable and Harris's only job from day one that I can tell was the border.-She didn't finish building the last small section of the wall. Never once visited the wall. We are no longer safe in our country because of this. I think I heard over 20 million illegals have crossed and they are taking jobs and money away from the American people. We are All immigrants by heritage, but we followed the laws and came in legally. So what is "their" plan? some states are letting illegals vote-are you ok with that??

  Many people dislike Trump so much-why?? mostly because the media has lied, and these past years the federal government has attacked him constantly with false accusations and untruths using extreme liberal judges in courts. So of course when you watch the "news" you are told untruths.   I ask myself what is really going on here in our country??  Some  country or person or persons are working on changing our country to a very far left liberal extreme agenda. Trump is in their way.

 I think some will vote for Harris just because she is a woman. I don't care about gender or race, I only care about qualifications to do the job. Scan the internet and listen to her speeches-you will be shaking your head. In some states she tells them she is black, in other states she tells the truth that her heritage is India.  In my opinion she is not a Democrat but a very far left extreme liberal. Her VP pick is even more extreme-he watched his cities burn to the ground and did nothing about it.  and so far she is refusing to debate with Trump and has done No interviews with any reporters. So what are they hiding?

  Also if I was a Democrat I would Not be happy with whom ever is "in charge" that they forced Biden to step down from the race (but he is still fit to be President now??) -Harris has gotten No votes to run for President. I would not be happy about that. She was chosen by whomever their "handler" is. This should have all been decided at the Democratic convention Not before- by casting ballots to choose their new nominee since "they" forced Biden out.

 This vote in my opinion is Not about voting for your chosen party,  but voting to save our country as our founders envisioned   We need to all really research everything before casting our votes-this is not a normal election this time around. Don't be persuaded by the media or campaign ads-do your own research and really take this election seriously.

  I agree with Trump-we need one day voting on paper ballots, and absentee voting as needed only. Some states are voting for months even past election day. Our votes are no longer secure in many states.

 I also ask friends -- were you better off during Trump's term? No inflation, food prices affordable, gas low. Everything is soooooo much more expensive now. Also My choice if I want to buy an all electric car The govt should Not be choosing for me. Not every situation works for electric cars-Biden has it set up to phase out all gas-ridiculous.

  I remember this ad from Reagan and it says it all. (this is Reagan's ad)

Ok  this will be all you  hear from me on politics but our country is in trouble so this is me fighting for her


  1. You're brave to go public with your opinion.

    1. I really try not to do politics here as I know almost all of my friends are not conservatives. but I felt the need to express my views-if I get one person to stop listening to the lies on the news and do their own research about the topics, it will be worth it

  2. Yes the media says that Trump will be the dictator, but are they not the dictator by removing Biden from the ticket? They have an agenda and it is not to help our people...thats one thing for sure. Janice

    1. scary stuff going on I just saw where Harris team is paying people lots of money to post good things about her and her vp pick on tik tok and places like that-our world has gone crazy all this because someone wants our country to turn very liberal and socialist-I really don't get it

  3. You are dead on about the media. Totally crazy how they skew the news to fit their narrative. I vote the issues and stances on policies, not who I personally like or dislike. Politians come and go, but their policies have long-lasting effects.

    1. Good morning, very well said-the media networks seem to be all working together to push a narrative-really sad to watch. and you are so right-it is not the person it's their policies and their vision for our country going forward

  4. Praying for a safe and HONEST election.
    Love, Carla

  5. You know that you and I are probably on somewhat polar ends of the issues (not all of them!) but I agree -- we all have to make our own choices and vote, and hope for a safe election that is honest and well handled from the beginning. It's important to share your feelings when you feel inclined to. I'm sure I probably will too!

  6. I respect your opinion, and agree that we desperately need to go back to the days when the "news" wasn't skewed in one direction or another. But then, look back in our history and the "yellow journalism" that colored many elections.
    I absolutely abhor Trump's lack of morals and ethics, his treatment of women, and no, we personally were not better off during his term. So my view of what is best for our country is quite different from yours, but we can both express our choice at the election, and can agree to disagree without anger and rancor. That is how it is supposed to work. Sending my very best from my mountains tonyoirs!

    1. totally agree-that is what America is supposed to be about-freedom of speech thanks for dropping by


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