Friday, July 19, 2024

Good Morning Friday

   Happy Friday and Weekend,

    My area of the Ozarks-Missouri is having a cool down-however in full sun it is still super hot for me. When we retired to this area back in the fall of 2003 it took me some time to get used to the hot sun. We are closer to the sun then when we were in northern Illinois. I went out at  6:30 am today to start weed eating our tall and thick grass. It was still wet but got quite a bit done. Came in for an hour break and then went out for another hour. Very hot-now in the full sun, and my back cant take more than 2 hours at a time-with all that leaning over. 

   This week I called about one of those outdoor seats on rails that ride over the steep steps. Of course they would not give us any idea of the prices-so one of their sales persons will be coming out this morning. Larry thinks it could be super expensive but  you don't know 'til we find out. Also these steps really narrow up at the top so not sure how that will work either.

  I was also thinking depending on the cost I may just set up a go fund me page to help raise money. Do you think that would be too weird to do? I have contributed to several in the past.

  With the coming election, I am praying our country will come together and with kindness and caring about the future for us and our great country. 

  I have those fresh lemons out of the frig-so perhaps later today I can tackle making the lemon meringue pie. smiles

  I don't do games like many do on their computers or smart phones-but I do like puzzles over on jigsaw planet. I am working on this one now.


This morning I found this on Facebook-this really hits home in our world today We need to research everything now to find out what the truth is these days.

  Enjoy your day


  1. I'm finding the weather enjoyable, as long as I stay out of the sun between 11 and 4.

    1. yes that is the hottest time we have had way too much rain here though this summer and more coming in Happy weekend

  2. That cartoon is so true. I hope you are able to get that seat. Not sure how much they cost either. Everyone does Go Fund Me Accounts, so go for it I say. I dont think I could live in any Sothern state. Too use to Michigan and even though we have snakes...not as many poisonous ones as other states have. Janice

    1. This is a very hot and humid summer this year. I lived in North Carolina in my younger years-and that was soooo hot and humid worse than here-I would did not like that. Larry chose Missouri for less winter days we haven't had a super hot summer for awhile now so we were do.
      there are probably snakes in most areas we have a lot here too. Happy weekend

  3. Oh, Kathy... can I move in? A lake AND heat??? That is wonderful.
    We wanted to go to the Footy today, but .... today is warm, Ingo got himself meat and we need to make a BBQ as Sunday will be rainy again.
    And,shoot. I saw I wrote you a paper-letter and... in the stress forgot to send it!
    I will do? Time does not matter, does it?
    Do the funding thing! I have made the experience, though, that I could not help a Perth friend cause... heck. "Germany" is afraid we get money out to save it. We had a bank account in Perth and suddenly were not allowed to transfer more that 100 bucks at a time.
    Now I have enough to write you another paper-letter! ;-)

    Kindness.. pop in today with my blog? Guess you´d like it.

    Hmmm, lemons!

    I am like you, do you know Jigsaw EXPLORER - or did you even gave this to me?

    Hugs to you and the lake!
    Hop in!
    Yes, saw that truth-thingy, to... very sad, huh- but... let´s have a great weekend!

    1. Good morning Iris, yes go ahead and send letter-hugs are you still very busy with work? the first place that came out told us our steps have to be even to install it--so I called another place waiting to see what they say.
      wow that is not good that you don't have control over your own money. No I am not familiar with jigsaw explorer-thanks will check it out have a good weekend-hugs

  4. Glad that a cool down is heading your way, Kathy. We finally got some heat relief in NH, even though we are in RI this week on a road trip and it was also hot and humid, but cooer now. Hopefully, you can find a solution to the steps issue as it sounds like Larry could be house bound if not. Hope that you can make that lemon meringue pie which reminded me of the ones that my mother used to make every summer.

    1. Hi we have been in the 80's for a few days-such a huge difference. we do still have humidity but not as high got another 2 hours of mowing in early this morning. I should keep track of the hours-I think it takes around10 to 12 hours at least to do all of it with the eater eater

  5. Yes i have an appointment with my weed eater this morning.. its already getting hot here but i will just have to stick it out... Rain is expected the next few days.. cross your fingers.. I tried to start a Go Fund Me thingy back when we were working on the house in Arkansas.... called the house and aging Disco nothing became of it though... Maybe you'll have better luck.. I hope the price is less than you think it will be.. Perhaps changing the steps to ramps might be cheaper?? Maybe you could do a few switch backs to make the incline not as steep? Or put in some benches along the way where Larry could rest?? Hope your Lemon Meringue Pie turns out scrumptious . YUM! We are looking forward to the cool down too.. and hopefully some rain.. Hugs! deb

    1. I found a price and it is 7 to11 thousand dollars if it can be installed-so we won't do it Larry says no to go fund me no- to benches - not possible, too steep for ramps good ideas though good luck with weed eating grass and weeds I got another 2 hours in this morning it is wet thick and tall

  6. These things are really expensive, and setting up a Go-fund-me is a great idea. If people only send a few dollars it will cotribute to the sum and help. I will gladly send a contribution. Hugs, Valerie

    1. Good morning Valerie thank you-hugs The first person that came out yesterday said it can't be done with our steps-not all even. So I called another company but have not head back from them yet-theirs are 7 to 11 thousand dollars usa money-yes very expensive for sure. This second company is using better materials and made in usa owned by a veteran. am hoping they can help

    2. Thank you so much, I am praying that his company will call me back and say they can work with our steps-hugs

  7. I hope the chair lift won't be too expensive Kathy. And you'll get some cooler weather.. I really need to weed once of my gardens in a big way too. I would go out now, but my daughter's visiting so so much for weeding. Grin. I'll find any excuse. I swear we could all use another 10 hours in the day. I hope you had a super weekend and I hope you got your pie made. hugs-Erika

    1. It is too expensive-just located the price 7 to 11 thousand dollars and Larry says no to a go fund me page-
      enjoy your daughter's visit you can always work on weeds another day-hugs

  8. Dear Kathy, it's much too hot for me at the moment too, we've had over 30 Celsius = more than 86 Fahrenheit for a while now in Austria. These temperatures are probably not sooo bad for you if you've lived in hotter regions of the USA, but it's enough for me. The house in particular is very hot - not good for a "Viking" like me ;-) Unfortunately, I didn't understand the "outdoor seats on rails that ride over the steep steps" or I don't know what it is. I only know stair lifts... but that's not what you mean, is it? I'll keep my fingers crossed that you find a good solution!
    The cartoon really says it all ;-)
    And I have my fears about thinking abilities of humans. Worldwide...
    All the best and have a nice Sunday, Traude

    1. Good mornig 80's can be really hot too especially with humidity. do you have air conditioning? these could be called stair lifts too but you sit in the seat that is attached to a rail along the side of the steps-and it takes you up and down. sadly I finally discovered the price 7 to 11 thousand dollars usa money-too expensive and Larry says no to the go fund me page.
      I agree the whole world's peoples no longer listen to one another too many are into dictating and controlling-not good
      Happy sunday hugs

  9. A cooler day in your world is still a pretty hot one in mine! But I'm glad you get a bit of a break. I hope the stair lift isn't impossibly expensive. It sounds like it would be so helpful.


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