Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Summer Card From Canada

   I received a lovely summer card from Christine in today's mail.

    Love that she had one of her paintings made into this card.

 Lovely postage stamps too and a poem inside the card. Thank you so much Christine, I am enjoying seeing your card on my mantel

These pretty stamps did not get cancelled by the mail service-they will go into my stash of papers etc


  1. So glad you liked the summer card Kathy!

  2. A lovely card! I use to collect stamps. Those are nice too. Janice

  3. That is a really lovely card. It's fun to get happy mail, isn't it? hugs-Erika

    1. Yes I love Happy mail especially since we don't get out of the house much now

  4. What a wonderful surprise to get in the mail, Kathy. The card art is lovely and so are the stamps!

    1. Thank you I love her paintings so was happy to see she made this one into a card stamps are very pretty

  5. I'm glad you got such a nice card, Kathy. It's wonderful to receive beautiful mail in mailbox.
    Your card still has a place of honor with me.
    A warm greeting goes to you.
    Hug from Viola

    1. Hello Viola, thank you I do enjoy mail from friends in my malbox So happy you enjoyed the card hugs

  6. Kathy this is certainly a lovely card from your friend. It is fun to save stamps even if they are marked. Glad you shared it with us. Christine is certainly a talented artist.


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