Monday, May 6, 2024

A Few Blooms To Share and T

    We are continuing to get rain and warmer temps, so all of my grass needs cut again-sigh. It is spring so I need to get back to it tomorrow.

   This morning I tackled de frosting the large chest freezer-as  I get older this is quite the chore now, and we need to buy a new one as this one is over 20 years old now and freezes up again on the sides as soon as I plug it back in.

   I grabbed my camera as the peonies are blooming now. I brought the pink ones with us from Illinois when we retired to Missouri in 2003. The white peonies were here already. The lovely water iris are now budding and starting to bloom-one of our favorites. As you can see the lake is still low with all the spring rains they keep the lake low, by Memorial day Ameren (electric co making electric on this lake) will raise the water level of the lake to just below the grass line.

Photos didn't come out in order as mentioned

Above blooms are located to the left of our property line looking out towards the lake.

   This peony is finally happy enough in it's new home to multiply it's size and to bloom-to the far left of our steps.

Still have iris's  blooming

  This is the peony bush from above that I brought over from the woods house-it is finally happy where it is now. These originally came from my farm girl Grandma's garden many many years ago.  This area is  little more shady than the the pink one I planted down by the lake-but it is has really spread out now and finally has a few blooms..

  Above a peak inside-- cotton- these need to get planted soon. This is the brown cotton, the white cottons seeds  never sprouted

and to close, I don't think I shared this here on my blog but I did on my Instagram page. I have been thinking of watercolor paints again. Taking Inspiration from Christine I bought the watercolor atc size papers-to play a little with paints. I always thought these were too small for me, but I think I will like them for quick little watercolor paintings. I bought these little stands for Christine's woodpecker painting and had to purchase a package of them-soooo will display the paintings that way.

  I am thinking now if I post a photo of my beverage I can link up to T this week.

   Have a good week everyone and here is a link to our hostess Bleubeard and Elizabeth for T


  1. The peonies are so pretty. I don’t know of any that grow in my area of California. Maybe they don’t grow well here. I’ve always liked their flowers but never seen one in person.

    1. Thank you, the peonies are one of my favorites. Out of curiosity I looked up peonies in California-you have a native wild peony but the ones here that we have, probably a need a winter to go through

  2. I feel for you on the freezer. My refrig/freezer makes a terrible noise when it shuts off. It even shakes. I'm waiting for the day it stops shaking.

    I love your peonies and irises. I lost both when the neighbor cut them down to move the new fence. Glad yours made the move. . I'm in awe of the irises, especially.

    So very glad you could join us for T this week, Kathy. Just wonderful. I see you are using your French Press, too. Thanks for sharing your flowers and your coffee with us for T this week, dear.

  3. That should have read when the neighbor BUILT the new fence.

    1. Oh no I would have been very upset losing plants to that ugly fence-the iris's are sooo pretty this year. a couple years ago i dug them all up and separated the tubers and now have larger blooms. The peonies always remind me of my Grandma and my Mom as well.

    2. and yes I haven't used my French press in awhile-I really like it when I just want a couple of cups coffee

  4. Nice beverage! I display several of my ACEO's on the little stands too!

    1. thanks I really like my French Press. I love these little stands too

  5. It's great to see all your pretty flowers. We are behind here in the north, but it's nice to have a taste of what will be coming. I get what you mean about defrosting a freezer also. Our freezer died in 2020 and we replaced it with a basic and on sale refrigerator. And I don't miss defrosting either. Have fun cutting your lawn (or not). Happy T day. hugs-Erika

    1. we have always had chest freezers as they are supposed to be more cost effective to run. at the woods house I had two of these one was huge that didn't fit her at the lake so sold that one. the most time consuming part is taking everything out of the freezer-the cleaning and defrosting goes pretty fast-and then getting everything back in.
      cutting our lawn here is quite the job but it gets me outdoors we have big storms coming in tonight too

  6. I love peonies, but they've always been finicky growers for me. At my last house when the peony bush bloomed I could expect a storm strong enough to knock all the blooms apart.

    1. that's a bummer-we have storms and possible tornadoes coming in tonight-that will knock out my blooms for sure

  7. You are way ahead of us in the flower dept. So beautiful.
    I know you enjoy painting looking forward to what you are working on.

    1. thanks Cathy we did not have much of a winter this time so things are growing kinda fast with the warmer days too.

  8. Wonderful flowers! My strawberries even have green fruits now, they are from 1974 and I took them here from my hometown :-)
    Christine inspired us with the tiny art, huh? I use mostly only that, also.
    To a happy T-Day and a new freezer soon. Hugs to you and the lake.

    1. Hello Iris, I love that you have your strawberry plants. nothing better than home grown strawberries. Yes Christine is a great inspiration-ready to try painting again.
      Happy T yes I need a new freezer soon hugs

  9. It's great to see the beautiful flowers again, everything looks so much nicer when flowers smile at us. Sorry about your freezer. I have a 30 year old fridge / freezer and it is also on its last legs.... Have a great week, happy T Day, hugs!

    1. Yes flowers do have us smiling. the appliances here at the lake house are also very old and need to be replaces-the refrigerator, the stove, and washer and dryer-ugh Happy T

  10. Very nice photos. Feels like a good place to be. Have a very nice day today.

  11. Just love your peonies and iris Kathy!!! My yard is all wildflowers.. yellow tickseed, purple verbena, painted daisies, some blackeyed susans i think.. and Mexican Hats are starting to show.. The purple/pink petunias i planted are doing great... as are the Marigolds.. The Red Yucca seeds i planted are growing like gangbusters as are the Pride of Barbados.. fingers crossed i dont' kill them.. lol Hope you get cotton from your plant! Hugs and Happy T day! deb

    1. Hi Deb, I have been wanting to get wildflowers going here too and most will come back which is good and will draw in the butterflies and hummingbirds here Happy T hugs

  12. Oh, Iove peonies! And these are particularly beautiful.
    I know what you mean about the old freezer. Mine is old too and very frosted up, badly in need of a de-frost. Problem is, it's full. I'm waiting until an opportune moment to turn on a spare one I have, then I can have this one cleaned. (You have reminded me, now I need to do it....)
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Hi Lisca mine was full to the top too- a big job getting everything out-I have cooler bags so I put everything in those while I defrost it.
      thank you these pink peonies are really pretty hugs

  13. Your iris and peonies are so very pretty. Happy T Day

  14. Your flowers are so pretty and how nice to have your grammas peony. I use t have those water irises in my pond at my other house. Taking up watercolor is another talent it seems you have. Way to go.Janice

    1. thank you. Yes I am so happy to have my Grandma's peony these pink ones are so pretty. I have been trying with watercolors to get better, I would like to get good enough to paint one of our sunrises over the lake.
      Have a good evening

  15. What fascinates me most is your lake with the peonies... wonderful. It must be a pleasure to relax there...
    how far is it from the house... can you walk there in the morning with your coffee cup in hand. I walk through the garden every morning with my cup of coffee :-)))
    It's such a shame about your freezer, my stove recently broke and we had to buy a new one...
    It's wonderful that you picked up paint and brushes. Enjoy the flowers in the garden.
    A warm hug for you from Viola

    1. good morning Viola, our lake home is two small lots so not far at all-just wide enough down by the lake that we are not on top of neighbors like most here are. I am a country girl used to lots of acres smiles.
      It is so pretty down in that spot by the lake with the blooms that area is right on the property line of the neighbor but he only comes down once a month as his is a vacation home.
      all the appliances here need to be change my refrig and stove especially.
      hugs back

  16. We have never grown peonies in any of the flower gardens when we were homeowners and I haven't seen any on walks around the city. Yours are lovely, my friend. Defrosting a freezer is never fun and I remember when we also did that chore. We recently bought a new French press at a local thrift store and I'm going to try using it for loose tea this week.

    1. thank you I think all the rain this spring so far has been really good for the peonies-wish the blooms lasted longer but I do love those. I did make decaf black tea in my french press-worked out really good

  17. Your flowers are just beautiful and I'm swooning with your iris! My peonies are only buds yet, but soon. I love the image of the lake and glad you are going to dig out your paints!

    1. thank you so much, the iris are very pretty this year, and with all the rain the peonies are larger this year too. I would like to be able paint better in watercolor-we'll see how much patience I have haha

  18. Ah Kathy you and I share the same pink peony (mine are not blooming as of yet). I got mine from my Grandma too. They are certainly beautiful and I am enjoying them at your blog while I wait for mine to blossom. Irises are just beginning to open here. There is such joy in watching the season unfold even if it means lots of mowing :)!! Am looking forward to seeing more of your atc watercolors. I have been sketching but not doing much painting. Been too busy spring cleaning and getting the garden ready. Well take care friend and have a lovely end to the week. Hugs!

  19. Defrosting your freezer does not sound like fun but the flowers are all pretty.

  20. Replies
    1. the worse part of it fr me is emptying it and then putting it all back in

  21. Your flowers are lovely.

    All the best Jan

  22. I'm way behind commenting, so I apologize for not stopping by until today. Your peonies are lovely. Mine are still just stalks, but seeing yours makes me excited for mine to bloom. And good luck with defrosting your freezer. I hate that job. Smile. I hope your weather has improved and you're having a great day! hugs-Erika

    1. You are not late at all hugs You commented earlier I just haven't written another post-I did get the grass finished up yesterday-but early this morning-lots of rain came down hard-still raining this has been a veryrainy spring. hugs


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