Sunday, April 23, 2023

T Stands for Tuesday

     Doesn't seem possible but we are headed towards the end of April already, and I think the last T for Tuesday for the month as well. Find link in my sidebar for Bleubeard and Elizabeth's T-where we share a post with a drink related photo.

  I haven't been able to get back outdoors do to the cold weather here, although I did get all the grass cut. No needed rain though. We did get a light frost Saturday night, and another expected Sunday night. I have a big stack of older bath towels-that were my Mom's- all made in the USA-that I used to cover up all the bottle greenhouses.

  Tuesday morning I have a dentist visit-my 6 month-and I think I may head out to the Amish greenhouse after that, it may be a bit early for the petunias but if the weather is nice will drive on out there since I will already be half way there. Oops Monday morning  I realized my dentist appt was on Monday not on Tuesday, I did a few errands but didn't make it to the greenhouse-hopefully sometime this week I can do that.

 I have been enjoying scanning through photos and videos on Instagram this past week. I search for my craft interests, Yellowstone and a couple other topics and have found several to follow for inspiration. There are quite a few for slow mending and sashiko too.

  For my drink share this week I am sharing a photo I found online. Years ago I used to buy quality flavored coffees, hadn't done that in awhile so I bought a couple for Larry for something different, and I bought one decaf for me.  One of them was a chocolate flavor-smelled so good while brewing.

I captured a couple lake photos this past week.

  This one was taken early morning but after the sunrise-rough waters most of the day Allot of white caps most of the day-never would have thought there would be white caps on a lake


This one below-you can just make out the sun in the clouds.

  I have been spinning allot of the Nash Island wool-have 4 spools spun up already. I need to check out dyeing these white handspuns. I will have more than I realized of whites, as I am spinning several different breeds. I have enough of the black walnuts for one dye batch I think.  Most of my dyes are for cottons that I have on hand. I don't want to use natural dyes for these, something more permanent-need to check out Dharma's site soon. Now that I think about it for wool cloth In the past I have only dyed with my own natural dyes.

  It was quite chilly over the weekend so I make a big pot of chicken soup-I added veggies, garbanzo beans, a little gluten free pasta, sun dried tomatoes, and dried veggies and herbs. I used unsalted beef and chicken stocks. It ended up being a large pot so will freeze allot of this

  Those of you that feed the hummingbirds-has yours arrived?  Usually for this area these sweet little birds arrive around April 15th. We have only seen a couple of the scouts so far so they are late arriving for sure-perhaps these storms slowed them down or moved them to a different area. Most of us I am reading on the lake group on Facebook are anxiously waiting for their arrival.

   Update: Monday we have seen another orchard oriole, a Baltimore oriole and a couple hummingbirds-so they are arriving now

  Happy T


  1. I have been loving those lake view shots you posted on Ins. You are so lucky living in such a beautiful place, Kathy. Have a most wonderful week ahead!

    1. Good morning, thank you we do have gorgeous morning sunrises here on the lake-and it is different every day. We enjoy the sunrises while watching the birds too-we have always been early risers I do feel very fortunate Happy new week

  2. Kathy such beautiful pictures of the sunrise on the lake. Sounds like your spring weather is teasing you. It is here too - even had a few snow showers this morning after having had 82 degrees on Thursday last week. The hummers have not arrived here either but thinking will be putting out my feeders this week. Your soup looks nutritious too. That is one thing I miss in the summer is soup. Just don't prepare it when it gets hot. Well take care friend. Sending you a Hug!

    1. Hi Debbie, wow snow crazy weather for sure-we are cool but lots of sunshine and we will be back into the 60's this week which is nice.
      we saw two little hummers this morning -has us smiling, and also one orchard oriole we love them too.
      I love soup-Larry just puts up with it haha

  3. Oh, Kathy. Yes. I need to make a date with my dentist still. Big bu-huu...
    Saw a docu on the Amish the other day. I think it was a fake or a strange group.
    Your lake always makes me smile.
    Your soup looks yummy! Here it warmed up, finally (but the sun is gone again).
    I have never seen a real hummingbird... Hugs to your lake (and you, of course)

    1. Hello Iris, I love this new dentist office-very "country" the dentists are father and son-there are always Amish sitting in the waiting room-most have big smiles, and they speak German amongst themselves. Very comfortable enviroment and I like the dentist allot too since I am a new patient I get the son haha
      The soup turned out sooo good I don't think there hummingbirds in Europe
      and I messed up my days somehow my appt. was this morning-Monday not on Tuesday ha ha
      Happy T

  4. Hi Kathy~ Hi from Alabama! lol We've been gone a week and finally i have some time to pull out the laptop. Hubby is off visiting a friend of his and i opted to chill out at the Hotel room . We've been gone a week now and have a week to go. This is the last stop visiting friends and family though... Tomorrow i will have sand between my toes at Destin Beach, FL ... That picture you took of the Sunrise with the birds is just BEAUTIFUL Kathy! That would make a lovely card.. We have had chilly mornings and lovely warm days on our trip... we ran into some rain in Mississippi but quickly out paced it and left it behind.. Some rain is predicted for our beach visit but we should still be able to get one full nice day there and the next day if no lightning i will walk between the Take good care Kathy! Enjoyed your post. We should be home by this time next week. Hugs! deb

    1. How fun!! a vacation-do enjoy sounds like so much fun, maybe you will find some sea shells on the beach I have not seen the ocean since the late '70s I lived on Wrightsville Beach NC for awhile-totally changed now I am sure back then no mansions and hotels right on the beach.
      hugs thinking of you safe travels

  5. Glad you are enjoying Instagram! The soup looks good.

    1. thank you me too-like it much better than fb for browsing through things

  6. What a stunning view you have! It feels colder outside here today than it did in January. It's a perfect day for a hot, savory soup. And, that's what we are having. Yours looks yummy.

    1. Our views are amazing-Larry always says we bought the view and not the house-so many issues with this house especially at our ages now--by I try to overlook all that and just really enjoy the views.
      we are having left overs of this soup for our 2 pm meal today-this did turn out really good stay warm hugs

  7. We're back in the chilly again too Kathy, but it's not unusual for us. Too early for me to get plants as most of our garden centers aren't even open yet. Good luck with you flowers shopping. It's always such a fun thing to do. And those are pretty lake photos too. The fog makes it so atmospheric. Have a great T day Kathy. hugs-Erika

    1. we from northern Illinios-Indiana and we couldn't plant much either til first of June-sometimes winter would be back for memorial day up there. Larry wanted to move to a state that had ll seasons but a milder winter-so this has been nice and we are much closer to the sun here too in the summer.
      the fog is very cool when it moves in on the lake Happy T

  8. It looks like a beautiful day on your lake. Our little lake has had more whitecaps in the past couple of years than I can remember in the many we have been north. Climate change, I think. Who knows. But it's a lovely shot.

    1. the white caps here come from storms and high winds-we are from near the great lakes-Lake Michigan and I expected to see them there. but makes sense with strong winds

  9. Glad you got the grass done. I cannot believe April is nearly gone. Blows my mind how quickly it goes. Whoosh.

    I love the big bowl of soup!

    Tim recently got two decafs from a store in town. One is a caramel and the other vanilla. Both nice. He's going back this week because we're nearly out. We are making every penny stretch so only getting stuff when we're out.

    Love the images of the water. My gosh. So pretty.

    1. Me too April seemed long especially when the cold weather returned again but now its almost over-where did it go haha
      I love soups too hubs just puts up with it. I used to buy flavored coffees and they are nice for a treat-but have to search for good tasting ones.
      we had years where we had to count every penny-it's hard for sure.
      thanks we really enjoy the lake views here-especially early mornings

  10. It is cute to see bird sikouhettes on your deck railing. Hippie birds checking out the sunrise.
    Flavored coffees sound good.Humming birds this latitude aren't here yet. I think they show up late May, early June. I remember last year they seemed to be later than usual. That might ha e been due to fewer hanging flower planters.

    1. I do like the bird views early morning when the sun is really bright too-just a black bird sitting on the railing haha. Our hummers are beginning to show up now-they are late this year. we only have attracted two families of hummers here at the lake so far-but the orioles are a treat to view too and the orchard oriole has been here already, I thought I saw a baltimore oriole yesterday.

  11. I love buying annuals they will go to but I don't put their feed out. I battle ants and bears so not worth it for me. There are lots 9f dyes for wool. I have done natural dyes but the out come is wildly unpredictable.

    1. the natural dyeing is usually a surprise-most times it is ok and kinda fun too but for these hand spuns I am going to go with commercial dyes. my Mom always dyed with cushing dyes for her rug hooking dyes-I may check those out-I think I even have a few of hers but they are very old now
      I battle the ants here too with the hummingbird feeders-worse here than at the woods house-I need to set up a bucket of water to just wash wash the feeders outdoors.

  12. Your coffees sound good. It's nice to have something different for a treat sometimes. I'm always impressed by your lake photos. Such a scene must be relaxing :) Our hummingbirds have begun coming. It used to be May, but has gotten earlier over time.

    Happy T Tuesday

    1. I agree nice to change up things a bit once in awhile.
      thanks I am impressed too with this gorgeous views in the early mornings. relly love it.
      I think we now have a a couple hummingbirds that are here now to stay, and the orioles started coming in too Happy T

  13. Sorry I am so late visiting. I now have four cats and two households to take care of, and last night I visited Sally at the hospital till they threw me out. She finally got a room late last night. Before that she was stuck in the ER on a cot.

    You have lovely views of the lake and the one with the white caps is amazing. I look forward to seeing your next dye project with your yarn. That always make me smile.

    I used to buy Constant Comment flavored coffee, but then I discovered whole bean coffee and now I grind my own. I have also stopped buying flavored coffees ever since I went to Mardi Gras one year and discovered French roast. Now the darker the better. Like my beer, too (grin).

    Thanks for sharing your soup (which looks good), your lake views, and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday,, dear Kathy.

    1. You are never late visiting Elizabeth-hugs you have your hands full right now too.
      I have never seen constant comment coffees-maybe I will do an internet search for those. I prefer to grind my own beans too, but the flavored coffees are a nice change once in awhile.
      we have had several dramatic lake views this month-happy T

    2. Constant Comment is a powder coffee drink. It comes (or came) in a metal tin.

    3. thank you-it must be like an instant coffee then

    4. I just searched online, found no constant comment powdered or coffee-so they must not make it anymore

    5. Looks like Constant Comment only makes teas now, but Maxwell House sells international instant coffee. I have NEVER been a fan of Maxwell House coffee!

    6. I agree Maxwell House it the worse coffee ever-we sent our cups back at a restaurant once cause the coffee was so horrible tasting found out it was maxwell--I don't buy folgers or any of those-I buy quality coffee beans and grind ourself like you do. except I did buy those few flavored coffees which I hadn't done in years

  14. Still chilly here for the garden. Our threat of frost goes until mid-May. Hopefully, by then a trip to the garden shops to see about hanging baskets and plants. Mmm, nothing like chicken soup when it's brrrrr outside. Happy T Day

    1. It was like that in northern Illinois too-most things I needed to wait til after memorial day for fear of frost.
      I agree I love soups

  15. Your chicken soup sounds delicious! Perfect for this wave of cold weather.
    Loved seeing the lake pictures. Beautiful scenery to wake up to.
    I plan on going to our local greenhouse this week, although I will have to keep the plants inside for a few weeks until the threat of frost is past. We are having a cold spell as well, it was 28 degrees this morning. Brrr.
    Happy Tea Day and happy spinning,

    1. brr that is cold I am hoping we are done with the freezes and night now-we are slowly warming up this week-but we really need a good rain soon. I didn't make it to the greenhouse perhaps next week thank you I am enjoying the spinning

  16. HI, Kathy! I wish we got hummingbirds. And I would love to see a Baltimore Oriele. Since we moved over here, a newer area with no trees, we only see swallows. Happy T Day.

    1. the swallows are fun birds to watch too I would miss the hummingbirds if I didn't get to see them, the orioles are so beautiful we either get a few some years or lots of them

  17. Beautiful lake photographs ...
    Happy Tuesday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  18. Happy T-day, Kathy. Love the photos of the lake! So pretty. The soup looks and sounds good too. I love a good soup and almost anything with Garbonzo beans. Hoping you get some warmer weather soon. Love that you do your own dies - so interesting. Hugz

    1. Hi, we are really enjoying the different views of the lake every morning. I recently started adding the garbanzo beans-I like those too. warmer today-up to 70 degrees but we do need some rain soon
      I really enjoyed dying with natural plant materials when we lived in the woods Have a good week hugs

  19. I enjoyed these photos of the lake. Very beautiful views. And I too can't believe that it is already the end of April. Glad to read about spinning of Nash Island wool and its progress. This chicken soup looks delicious!
    Happy T-day!

    1. I am happy you enjoyed the lake views, thanks I am enjoying spinning this wool-much different than some other wools I have worked with have a good week hugs

  20. Our son told us he saw a hummingbird last week, we have Hummingbees here, mainly on the fruit trees.
    I love your lake views, so beautiful.
    Thanks for your visit yesterday, have a great week
    Jan S

    1. we love watching the hummingbirds-you have an awesome day too

  21. I love your photos of the lake Kathy! Oh I'm making chicken soup tonight! It's been chilly yet damp here lately and soup will really hit the spot!

  22. I'm glad the hummingbirds have finally arrived. Where do they overwinter? Further south I assume, where it is warmer.
    It is always lovely to see the lake views.
    Happy belated T-Day,

    1. I looked it up to be sure the hummingbirds migrate to southern Mexico and south america for the winter-they leave here mid September
      Happy T Hugs

  23. So lovely to catch up with you and read your post 😊. It sounds like you've still been keeping yourself busy even though the weather has kept you indoors, The photos that you captured of the lake look so peaceful, and I like to think the birds sitting together are chatting to each other about their day whilst enjoying the beautiful view! So lovely that the hummingbirds are returning too. I hope you are keeping well and sending you happy wishes! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Hi Jo, thank you so much for your visit.
      I have been busy doing different things-hoping soon back in the flower gardens.we so enjoy the little hummingbirds-we just have a few but fun to watch. Happy wishes back at ya hugs

  24. Starting with being pleased to know the birds are returning! The lake pics are just so peaceful looking. I hope you can do some gardening soon. We have been working on our communal gardens, but it's still cold. Your chicken soup sound delicious. I think chocolate flavoured sounds most delicious
    Wishing you a good week hugs, Chrisx

    1. Hi Chris, we are windy and cool today again and no rain was hoping we would get rain today. Larry did go out on the lake with a friend for a bit this morning though before the wind came in.
      the chocolate coffee sounds sooo good too while brewing

  25. Dear Kathy, you are busy with wool again! Me too at the moment, but not like you - I'm trying to crochet a jacket. (I've only made granny square blankets and scarves and hats before.) Chicken soup is wonderful, especially when you have a cold. I've got a bad cold at the moment and luckily we also have frozen chicken soup that we're going to heat up for dinner tonight and maybe that'll help me get better...
    I am very happy that the hummingbirds are gradually arriving at your place - I love these small, delicate birds so much!
    Have a great start to May!
    Hugs, Traude 😘


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