Sunday, April 9, 2023

T Stands for Tuesday-This and That

  Posting for T over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's, just share a drink related photo in your post, link in my side bar.
  This has been an interesting full moon-pre Easter week. Are you effected by full moons? 
    Sometimes we get allot of negative things happening during one of these weeks. I had written a couple paragraphs on all the stuff that popped up and just erased it all-we need happy stuff to read not negatives. smiles.
   I wasn't really into fixing an Easter dinner for us and it doesn't matter to Larry that much for Easter-Passover, so I made us fajitas from scratch which he always enjoys. 
   A surprise came early morning Sunday- I was outdoors looking for the hummingbird feeders in the little shed and I see the postal lady with a big amazon box. I said Wow I can't believe they have you working on Easter Sunday? She says well her boss called and said they got allot of Amazon packages in on Sunday can you deliver them? She gets double time pay for Sunday and mileage, so she said Yes.  Inside was items that were coming in on Tuesday including my new camera!  So that was fun. 
   I do like this camera better than the other one so far and it was half the price of the first one.  It does focus and work different than what I am used to but this one had a good instruction booklet so hoping I can get it all figured out.
  On another positive note I am finally getting more coordinated with the spinning wheel. When you watch someone spin-it looks so soothing and easy-Not! haha  I was having allot of troubles keeping the wheel spinning-it takes lots and lots of practice, patience and coordination to get your foot moving smoothly on the pedal while drafting out and making yarn. I finally had a turning point late this afternoon. Finally!

The photo colors are a bit off so I need to look at settings and figure out why the flash is not coming on.  This is what I spun up late Sunday afternoon-this fiber is a black alpaca- very soft, and finally a little more even of a yarn too-I think it is a bit over twisted though-but thinking it will be ok after setting the twist in warm water. Right now I am not going for those super fine yarns that spinners like to spin and then ply, I do like a nice single instead-I want to really see the yarn and it's textures.

  I finished up the rest of the white long wools too on Sunday-this was 2 pounds total that I had spun on the drop spindle as well. I had purchased quite allot of fibers to spin around 2015-2017 This is the last of this white. Looking forward to dyeing these skeins with the black walnuts- soon I hope.

  This is the Christmas amaryllis I bought two Christmas's ago. I had put it in the garden last year summer, and dug it up and put it back in the pot and in the house, before the freeze. About a month ago it started sprouting so I have been watering ever since. Was not expecting a bloom til I put it back outdoors in May-but I was excited to see this. 

For my drink reference this week, I am using a past photo-of my herbals for asthma & allergies-I needed to get back on that this week. 

  A slow mail surprise came in my mail box on Saturday-an Easter card handmade from Iris-thank you sooooo much-it made me very happy hugs

  This will be a busy week, I need a big grocery shopping trip, use the weed eater for cutting the grass again-this grass grows so fast and thick-clean house and get ready for our Wisconsin friends that will be arriving on Friday for a long weekend. Whew  sounds hectic and busy for sure-good news warmer weather coming in, hoping Larry feels good enough to get out and fish with his friend.

Happy T and new week


  1. I enjoyed this post so much. Your yarn looks beautiful and the pictures are wonderful. I hope all goes well as you prepare for your friends’ visit, which I know you will enjoy. Mary @Hilltop Post.

  2. We had a low key Easter also. But we did get some chores done outside; it's so nice we finally have more bare ground than snow. People do make spinning look so easy. I don't spin, but I am surprised to find how difficult it can be. Practice makes perfect so they say, so hopefully you'll be spinning like a pro soon. I hope you have a great T day Kathy and week ahead too. hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika, so glad your snow is melting-your area got allot of snow this year. we are warming up quite allot this week-so hoping to get some ground cover moved.
      I know spinning looks so easy and relaxing for sure-I am spinning on old wheels, so I think they are a bit harder at first for the treadling, or I am just a slower learner usually too.
      Happy T and new week hugs

  3. I haven't had luck getting amaryllis to rebloom

    1. you need to let it go dormant for around 6 months, once the leaves start to die back, I cut them off and then find a non sunny spot in the house-so it won't freeze-and don't water again til you see a leaf sprouting-then I bring it out so it gets sun-usually happens around March-once I know there is no more frost-here early June I plant the bulb out in the garden and then re pot it-repeat the cycle

  4. Good job having the Amaryllis rebloom Kathy! I find that mine has its own cycle and like yours when left to its own devices does not bloom at Christmas.. Sometime near the end of Summer.. say August i stop the watering , sometimes they dieback on their own sometimes i have to cut them off (which i hate to do).. I so glad you are pleased with your spinning! and i look forward to seeing the dyed result.. I'm sorry the full moon has not been good to you and you have alot of work to look forward to but at least you have your friend's visit to look forward to too! Always glad when you post Kathy! Happy Early T day! Hugs! deb

  5. Hi Deb, I was surprised with this early bloom-so nice though. when I bought it the bulb gave me two flower stems of 4 blooms each-that was a wonderful surprise.
    I am happy with the spinning wheel too but this morning it won't wind on to the bobbin for some reason can't see what is wrong either ugh
    Happy T hugs

  6. So glad to read you like your new camera and that it was cheaper than the previous one. And I was not surprised that you got the Amazon order on Sunday, because my friend Scott sent me something that arrived on a Sunday, also. I guess that is normal in a large town, but since it was in the country, it must have been a bit of a surprise.

    I had a very low key Easter. I spent much of the day on the telephone talking to friends and wishing them a happy Easter. My friend Scott, who seldom talks for more than a few minutes shared a nearly three hour conversation with me.

    I like how your spinning is coming along. It was fun to see you finished the white. I like that size and you seem to be happy with your progress on the spinning wheel, too.

    How sweet of Iris to send that Easter card. I love the way the bunny is hiding in the eggs.

    Sorry to read your allergies and asthma is kicking up again. I hope that tea works for you. Thanks for sharing your new camera, your Easter meal, your amaryllis, your spinning, the Easter card, and your tea with us for T this week, dear Kathy.

    1. Hi Elizabeth, what a nice way to spend Easter-visiting friends by phone. we used to do that but at our ages now-no one to call any more. Glad you got time with your friend Scott
      thank you I am happy with my spinning too, getting a little better with practice-and I have lots of fibers to spin with too.
      That was a surprise in my mail box from Iris for sure-loved the bunny ears too.
      it's that time of year for allergies again for sure-my right ear is totally plugged now-ugh.
      Happy T and new week

  7. Allergy Prayers
    Every season, seems like there's something new making them worse.
    Happy New Camera!

    1. I agree it is always something for sure thank you I am much happier with this one so far-so miss my other one though but 20 years not bad for a digital camera

  8. I'm glad your new camera came -- I hope it's a keeper. And your dinner sounds pretty perfect to me!

    1. thank you me too-I use it mostly for my blog here. Larry loves homemade fajitas-so it was a good dinner

  9. Sorry I am late. Oh, the meds make me so tired, wish me luck I fall not asleep going for Ingo´s bread. Yay to your cam!!!
    I whine about my arm, yet I should be happy I have no allergies - thank you for putting this straight! Bunny is happy to reaching you (my first watercolor, too),
    Happy T-Day and happy spinning.. and hugs! xx

    1. You are Not late at all Iris. Oh I feel special that you sent me your first watercolor-I really like painting with the watercolors and the inks too.
      sorry I missed that you hurt your arm-feel better-hugs and Happy T

  10. Effects of the full moon? I used to work in a hospital laboratory. The crazies come out of the woodwork at the full moon. And it's like a virus. You start to feel the effect 3 days before, 3 days with you, and 3 days after. And it happens at the New Moon, too, which is a full moon we can't see 😺Have fun spinning. It's a good feeling when learning a new skill or tweaking your skills and things fall into place. Happy T Day

    1. yes I agree, people are effected by the moon. when I was a telephone operator-wow especially the night shifts-one year I worked a full moon on halloween-I will never forget that crazy night haha
      yes it does feel good to finally grasp my spinning wheel-

  11. Your yarn looks beautiful - I think you really get the hang of it. I have never thought that spinning yarn is easy, so I admire what you do. The amaryllis looks like it's ready to bloom again - what a lovely surprise. Good luck with your new camera - once you have figured it all out you are ready to take lovely photos. I almost never use flash, I prefer natural light by far. The photos for my Etsy shop I take outside on an overcast day, but even then it is sometimes difficult to get the colors right. Happy T day.

    1. Good evening, thank you about my spinning-I am really enjoying getting back to working with fibers again-I found a big pillowcase full of alpaca different colors-fun.
      this was a surprise with the flower stem coming up-looks so far like two blooms will open in another day or two I think.
      You take amazing photos-I don't know much except for point and shoot
      Happy T

  12. Congratulations on your new camera. That is good news, and also good news is the fact that you seem to be more proficient in spinning. It looks very beautiful, I must say.
    Full moon does influence people's behaviour. I used to dread doing a night shift on fool moon as my patients would all go a bit loopy. And those that already were confused would going completely bananas. That's where the word 'lunatic' comes from no doubt.
    I am amazed by your amaryllis. What a wonderful surprise! I hope you will take a lovely photo with your new camera when the bloom is out.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Hi Lisca, thank you the spinning wheel is a learning curve for sure-getting a bit better with it-finally.
      Yes full moons for sure influence people's behavior-I found that out as a telephone operator working nights especially.
      Yes the amaryllis was a surprise for sure-should bloom in another day or two. exciting I will take a photo

  13. Fajitas are always good, dear Kathy 😃! We sometimes make them instead of a traditional Christmas menu - so why not for Easter, too?! Congratulations on the new camera and on being better at coordinating with your spinning wheel. I really admire that - I could never do that!
    Happy T Day!
    Have a good week 🌷☘️🌷!
    All the best from Austria, Traude

    1. Hi Traude, thank you I agree any foods we like is ok even for Easter it's just the two of us too.
      Thank you the spinning wheel is a learning curve for sure so happy with myself finally making better progress.
      Hugs Happy T

  14. Kathy, it is so amazing that you spin your own yarn and then color it besides!
    What a nice surprise to receive your camera on Easter Sunday. Happy t day.

    1. I have always had a passion for the fiber arts. was very surprised to get a package on Easter happy T

  15. Sounds like a very busy week Kathy! Oh I can't imagine a spinning wheel being easy, I love that you are using one! The lake looks nice in the photo you took of your plant, but I bet it's very chilly!

    1. thank you much, it is still chilly at night but we are warming up

  16. It is nice to receive a card by mail. And it is a lovely card too. This herbal tea sounds great, and I like the tea cup too. Have a great week ahead!

  17. Kathy was so busy the week of Easter I didn't get to visit you. The card that you received in the mail from your friend was so beautiful. Hope Larry did get out to fish with his friends. Take care - will get a card in the mail to you soon. Hugs!


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