Thursday, April 20, 2023

Good Morning Thursday

   This week seems to be really flying by for me, Perhaps because I have been out with my grass trimmer "mowing" the lawn. Finished up early this morning. Also spinning on Miss Ashley (Ashford Traveler) every day. Only if I spend a little time with the wheel, my goal is to spin every day-I am getting better with the coordination of pedaling and drawing out fibers.

   We are supposedly getting another big rain storm with wind etc coming in sometime today. We have been fortunate so far to miss the worst of these storms. During that big bass tournament the person who won stayed out in the storm, and he got hit with hail and almost lost his boat-but he did get that $100,000 prize Kinda crazy to me.

  Are any of you on Instagram?? I have been on there for awhile but one could only upload photos by smartphones. For the heck of it I thought I would try my desk top computer again-and it worked!  So I am happy about that.  Found lots of spinners and other topics I love so far.  I want to be less on Facebook-only for my favorite groups there, and slow down with blogging a bit too. Perhaps only posting for T for awhile.

  Here is my address on Instagram, I also have it in my sidebar too I am enjoying just scrolling down through photos-spinning-to weaving-to Yellowstone Park-wolves and more. Loving it so far.

  Oh and now that I know how to spin on my wheel I have been going through my bags of fibers to spin. I had totally forgotten about this one-a rather rare wool-Nash Island Maine wool. Are any of you familiar with it? I think I found this on ebay of all places.  Here is a link to a very interesting article about these sheep.

Update: I had to draft some of this fiber out and spin-I love the feel of less processed wool for spinning-pleased with this single-not as bulky as before

  Happy Thursday!!

Early morning sunrise today


  1. Hi KAthy, happy Thursday and Friday ! Glad you are still having fun with your spinning. I went to art group this afternoon, it was fun! It's blowing up to a storm here just now, hope it won't be too bad! Hugs, Valerie

    1. Hi Valerie, Oh I am happy you enjoyed the art group-sounds fun. Be safe, we got hot here today with lots of wind-no rain or storms as of yet. hugs

  2. Gorgeous sunrise!

    The winner earned that prize for sure after braving that storm. I've been in a boat during a wind and heavy downpour, not fun, but land never felt do good.

    You slowing down blogging is sad. I support your decision. It is good to adjust the time you spend blogging when you feel it is right.
    I've had slowing down thoughts myself this week. I've been trying out scheduling more. It can feel like a break in a way.

    1. I agree he earned the prize-allot of pros out there glad someone young and not a pro won the money this year.
      thanks, I think slow down allot in the summer months, liking instagram so far-scrolling through photos and videos.
      Yes a little break is good sometimes

  3. I am @ms_facile on Instagram, will look fir you there

  4. Hey Kathy! Happy almost weekend to you! Love that you're spinning. We had heat, then snow, then cold and then heat. Crazy!

    1. Hi out weather has been up and down too-normal for this area of Missouri-but I just saw a freeze warning for saturday into sunday-not good for flowering trees especially fruit trees
      have a good weekend

  5. It wasn't possible to upload photos in Ins. years ago, I didn't have an account until last year because it finally have a computer version. It's so tiresome to type on the smartphone, which I don't own one. Continue to vave fun with the fiber spinning!

    1. I was so surprised when I could load from computer-happy about that-I have been on there for many years and check back off and on. we have on cheap cell phone we keep for emergencies-use it mostly when the electric goes out
      thank you I am enjoying my spinning journey

  6. Hi Kathy-happy Friday. Sounds like you've been busy inside and outside. Glad to hear your spinning is improving. I know that I draw in my journal every day, and have been doing that for 6 years now, and finally I feel like my drawings are getting really good. Hope you don't get any bad storms, and nope, I don't do instagram. I already spent too much time online. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Happy Friday Erika, Yes I have been keeping pretty busy. we didn't get rain yesterday we needed and we are getting a freeze tonight-ugh so no transplanting today.
      I agree practicing every day does make a huge difference.
      I was thinking Instagram might be nicer for me as I am scrolling through photos and videos which I enjoy-we'll I am spending much less time on fb now Happy weekend

  7. I mostly use facebook and instagram for my hobbies. So glad you are enjoying your spinning it is very peaceful. I blog twice a week I was doing only once a week but felt it wasn't enough for me and now at times I think twice is a lot lol.

  8. I tried to join Instagram a few years ago, but was unable because I don't even own a cell phone. I wonder if there is a way for me to join now, since reading what Angie wrote. Also, back then, you had to be invited by someone who was already on Instagram. I would love to join, but fear it won't happen without knowing where to go to get the computer only software.

    Nice that you are still weaving. I certainly understand about taking a break. In fact, I would like to do that in May. If only (grin). I LOVE your sunrise shot. Have a super weekend, dear.

    1. Hi Elizabeth-you don't need anything at all special-when I signed in over ther on instagram it recognized I was on a computer and gave me the screen to upload photos-they must have recently set it up for computers-I don't use cell phones either I tried it out again just to see-and voila I can post now
      You could just announce that you need a month off-we would all understand hugs

  9. When we are busy in what distracts us and we like time flies by.

  10. I'm really glad you told me about the Instagram and the computer, Kathy. And love that b/w photo.

    1. you are welcome-this must be a recent add for us to load from computer-happy they did it


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